在python 3中的程序: 這是我第一個涉及文件的程序。我需要忽略註釋行(以#開始)和空行,然後分割行以使它們可迭代,但是我一直在獲取和IndexError消息,它說字符串索引超出範圍,並且程序在空行上崩潰。如何跳過文件的行如果他們是空的
import os.path
def main():
endofprogram = False
#ask user to enter filenames for input file (which would
#be animals.txt) and output file (any name entered by user)
inputfile = input("Enter name of input file: ")
ifile = open(inputfile, "r", encoding="utf-8")
#If there is not exception, start reading the input file
except IOError:
print("Error opening file - End of program")
endofprogram = True
#if the filename of output file exists then ask user to
#enter filename again. Keep asking until the user enters
#a name that does not exist in the directory
outputfile = input("Enter name of output file: ")
while os.path.isfile(outputfile):
if True:
outputfile = input("File Exists. Enter name again: ")
ofile = open(outputfile, "w")
#Open input and output files. If exception occurs in opening files in
#read or write mode then catch and report exception and
#exit the program
except IOError:
print("Error opening file - End of program")
endofprogram = True
if endofprogram == False:
for line in ifile:
#Process the file and write the result to display and to the output file
line = line.strip()
if line[0] != "#" and line != None:
data = line.split(",")
main() # Call the main to execute the solution