我無法讓條顯示任何數據。數據在餅圖中正常工作,但沒有數據顯示在條形圖中。我不明白爲什麼,但希望你們中的一個人能。 這是我正在使用的數據。讓條紋圖與條形圖配合使用
Object, Object, Object]
0: Object
color: "#0150AC"
data: "8.00"
label: "Please rate the location of our property."
ticks: "Please rate the location of our property."
__proto__: Object
1: Object
color: "#DE6E26"
data: "8.00"
label: "Please rate the friendliness and courtesy of our staff."
ticks: "Please rate the friendliness and courtesy of our staff."
__proto__: Object
2: Object
color: "#559B1E"
data: "1.60"
label: "Please rate the cleanliness of your room upon check-in."
ticks: "Please rate the cleanliness of your room upon check-in."
__proto__: Object
length: 3
__proto__: Array[0]
bars: Object
show: true
__proto__: Object
_proto__: Object
selector: "#prime_bar_chart"
function buildGraph(placeholder, data, options) {
$.plot(placeholder, data, {
series: options,
legend: {
show: true,
margin:[-55, 0]
你可以製作一些樣本數據的小提琴嗎?順便說一句,你應該沒有在object.data中的數組數組? – Sergio
是的,給我一下。 –
文檔說對象或數組。它適用於餅圖中的對象。我需要把第二個數據集合到一起,以便快速開會。 –