2014-02-08 187 views


public class DisplayAttribute : Attribute 
     public bool IsDisplay; 
     public string DisplayName; 

     public DisplayAttribute() 
      IsDisplay = true; 
      DisplayName = string.Empty; 

     public DisplayAttribute(bool isDisplay) 
      IsDisplay = isDisplay; 
      DisplayName = string.Empty; 

     public DisplayAttribute(string displayName) 
      IsDisplay = true; 
      DisplayName = displayName; 

     public DisplayAttribute(bool isDisplay,string displayName) 
      IsDisplay = isDisplay; 
      DisplayName = displayName; 



public class tblContacts : Connection 
     public int ContactId { get; set; } 

     [Display(true,"Category Name")] 
     public string CategoryName { get; set; } 

     [Display("First Name")] 
     public string FirstName { get; set; } 



你有任何異常 –


該方法的GetProperties,甚至不知道你的屬性存在所以它怎麼會知道尋找你的屬性,而忽略的財產?你的代碼中沒有任何東西會告訴GetProperties忽略一個方法,也不會有。你需要做的是在調用GetProperties之後添加你自己的過濾器來放棄你不想要的過濾器。 – jmcilhinney


無論如何我不得不添加註釋來滿足我的動機 –




using System; 
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Windows.Forms; 

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 
    public partial class Form1 : Form 
     public Form1() 
      Type myType = (typeof(tblContacts)); 
      PropertyInfo[] myPropertyInfo = myType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); 
      Console.WriteLine("The number of public properties is {0}.", myPropertyInfo.Length); 

      // Display the public properties. 

      // Get the nonpublic properties. 
      PropertyInfo[] myPropertyInfo1 = myType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); 
      Console.WriteLine("The number of protected properties is {0}.", myPropertyInfo1.Length); 

      // Display all the nonpublic properties. 
     public static void DisplayPropertyInfo(PropertyInfo[] myPropertyInfo) 

      // Display information for all properties. 
      for (int i = 0; i < myPropertyInfo.Length; i++) 
       PropertyInfo myPropInfo = (PropertyInfo)myPropertyInfo[i]; 
       Console.WriteLine("The property name is {0}.", myPropInfo.Name); 
       Console.WriteLine("The property type is {0}.", myPropInfo.PropertyType); 

    public class DisplayAttribute : Attribute 
     public bool IsDisplay; 
     public string DisplayName; 

     public DisplayAttribute() 
      IsDisplay = true; 
      DisplayName = string.Empty; 

     public DisplayAttribute(bool isDisplay) 
      IsDisplay = isDisplay; 
      DisplayName = string.Empty; 

     public DisplayAttribute(string displayName) 
      IsDisplay = true; 
      DisplayName = displayName; 

     public DisplayAttribute(bool isDisplay, string displayName) 
      IsDisplay = isDisplay; 
      DisplayName = displayName; 
    public class tblContacts 
     public int ContactId { get; set; } 

     [Display(true, "Category Name")] 
     public string CategoryName { get; set; } 

     [Display("First Name")] 
     public string FirstName { get; set; } 


The number of public properties is 3. 
The property name is ContactId. 
The property type is System.Int32. 
The property name is CategoryName. 
The property type is System.String. 
The property name is FirstName. 
The property type is System.String. 
The number of protected properties is 0. 

所有的屬性將只公開。我不得不過濾顯示只有幾個屬性 –


Type.GetProperties方法(BindingFlags)http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/kyaxdd3x(v=vs.110).aspx – Elshan