我使用eBay getorder API獲取訂單列表,但現在我想選擇訂單並更新其狀態。使用API在ebay上更新訂單狀態?
我使用一些代碼在互聯網上,它顯示「成功」更改狀態。但是,當我再次加載訂單時,它仍然是「完整的」(或者如果我在api中使用shipment = false)仍然是「完整的」。
//create the context
ApiContext context = new ApiContext();
//set the User token
context.ApiCredential.eBayToken = "token";
//set the server url
// context.SoapApiServerUrl = "https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/wsapi";
context.SoapApiServerUrl = "https://api.ebay.com/wsapi";
//enable logging
context.ApiLogManager = new ApiLogManager();
context.ApiLogManager.ApiLoggerList.Add(new FileLogger("log.txt", true, true, true));
context.ApiLogManager.EnableLogging = true;
//set the version
context.Version = "705";
context.Site = SiteCodeType.UK;
//Create the call and set the fields
CompleteSaleCall apicall = new CompleteSaleCall(context);
//Either ItemID-TransactionID or OrderLineItemID or OrderID is required. If item is part of an order, specify OrderID.
apicall.OrderLineItemID = "123467585959-0";
apicall.Shipped = true;
//apicall.Shipment = new ShipmentType();
//apicall.Shipment.ShipmentTrackingDetails = new ShipmentTrackingDetailsTypeCollection();
//ShipmentTrackingDetailsType shpmnt = new ShipmentTrackingDetailsType();
//shpmnt.ShipmentTrackingNumber = "VZ9478668";
//shpmnt.ShippingCarrierUsed = "YourCarrier";
//Specify time in GMT. This is an optional field
//If you don't specify a value for the ShippedTime, it will be defaulted to the time at which the call was made
// apicall.Shipment.ShippedTime = new DateTime(2011, 3, 5, 10, 0, 0).ToUniversalTime();
//call the Execute method
你試過API的completeSale方法嗎? – 2012-01-03 05:51:54
嗨,是的,謝謝你,我使用completessale方法:)我可以改變訂單狀態付費,並批量發貨now.But一件事爲什麼仍然當我getorder usingapi orderstatus =活動?它不應該改變爲運輸或支付等? – ehsankayani 2012-01-03 10:07:01
它應該返回最新狀態。你是否得到了應對完成的緊急情況? – 2012-01-04 05:14:09