我在用python3.5運行matplotlib.pyplot和tkinter時遇到了麻煩。我在Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS上。當我輸入dpkg -l python3-tk時,我看到安裝了python3-tk。我應該如何排除故障?用Tkinter和python3.5導入錯誤
machine:~$ /usr/bin/python3
Python 3.2.3 (default, Jun 18 2015, 21:46:58)
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import tkinter
>>> exit()
machine:~$ /usr/bin/python3.5
Python 3.5.2 (default, Jul 17 2016, 17:38:18)
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import tkinter
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/tkinter/__init__.py", line 36, in <module>
import _tkinter
ImportError: No module named '_tkinter'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/tkinter/__init__.py", line 38, in <module>
raise ImportError(str(msg) + ', please install the python3-tk package')
ImportError: No module named '_tkinter', please install the python3-tk package
machine:~$ dpkg -l python3-tk
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name Version Description
ii python3-tk 3.2.3-1 Tkinter - Writing Tk applications with Python 3.x
我懷疑_tkinter.so,編譯自_tkinter.c,位於/ usr/bin/python3中,並且它也需要位於/usr/bin/python3.5中的相應位置。是否需要重新編譯爲3.5(如Windows上的情況)或者僅僅是複製,我不知道。 –