2014-01-12 23 views


HTML /前端

<form ng-controller="SearchCtrl" id="search4Zips" name="search4Zips"> 
    <div class="state" data-ng-init="searchState()"> 
     <label for="stateSelection">State: </label> 
     <select name="stateSelection" ng-change="searchCounty()" ng-model="keywords.state"> 
      <option ng-repeat="state in states" value="{{state.state}}">{{state.state}}</option> 
    <div class="county"> 
     <label for="countySelection">County: </label> 
     <select name="countySelection" ng-change="areaData()" ng-model="keywords.county"> 
      <option ng-repeat="county in counties" value="{{county.county}}">{{county.county}}</option> 
    <div class="results" style="margin-top: 10px;"> 
     <button class="btn btn-primary">Add to Cart</button> 
     <table style="margin-top: 10px;"> 
       <th>Use Zip Code</th> 
       <th>Average Leads per Month</th> 
      <tr ng-repeat="area in areaData" ng-model="keywords.area"> 
       <td><input type="checkbox" name="zips[{{area.Zip}}]" value="add"></td> 
       <td>Needs Data</td> 
     <button class="btn btn-primary">Add to Cart</button> 
     <pre style="font-size: 0.8em; line-height: 1em; margin-top: 10px;">{{result | json}}</pre> 


angular.module( '應用',[ '部件'])

.controller('SearchCtrl', function($scope, $http, $locale) { 
    $scope.url = []; // The url of our search 
    $scope.matches = []; 
    $scope.areaData = []; 

    $scope.search = function() { 
     $scope.url = '/wp-content/themes/dt-the7-child/assets/search.php'; 

     // Create the http post request the data, holds the keywords 
     // The request is a JSON request. 
     $http.post($scope.url, { "data" : $scope.keywords}). 
      success(function(data, status) { 
       $scope.status = status; 
       $scope.data = data; 
       $scope.matches = data; 
       $scope.result = data; // Show result from server in our debugging area 
      error(function(data, status) { 
       $scope.data = data || "Request failed"; 
       $scope.status = status; 

    $scope.searchState = function() { 
     $scope.url = '/wp-content/themes/dt-the7-child/assets/search_state.php'; 

     // Create the http post request the data, holds the keywords 
     // The request is a JSON request. 
     $http.post($scope.url, { "data" : $scope.keywords}). 
      success(function(data, status) { 
       $scope.status = status; 
       $scope.data = data; 
       $scope.states = data; 
       $scope.result = data; // Show result from server in our debugging area 
      error(function(data, status) { 
       $scope.data = data || "Request failed"; 
       $scope.status = status; 


    $scope.searchCounty = function() { 
     $scope.url = '/wp-content/themes/dt-the7-child/assets/search_county.php'; 

     // Create the http post request the data, holds the keywords 
     // The request is a JSON request. 
     $http.post($scope.url, { "data" : $scope.keywords['state']}). 
      success(function(data, status) { 
       $scope.status = status; 
       $scope.data = data; 
       $scope.counties = data; 
       $scope.result = data; // Show result from server in our debugging area 
      error(function(data, status) { 
       $scope.data = data || "Request failed"; 
       $scope.status = status; 


    $scope.areaData = function() { 
     $scope.url = '/wp-content/themes/dt-the7-child/assets/search_areaData.php'; 

     // Create the http post request the data, holds the keywords 
     // The request is a JSON request. 
     $http.post($scope.url, { "data" : $scope.keywords['county']}). 
      success(function(data, status) { 
       $scope.status = status; 
       $scope.data = data; 
       $scope.areaData = data; 
       $scope.result = data; // Show result from server in our debugging area 
      error(function(data, status) { 
       $scope.data = data || "Request failed"; 
       $scope.status = status; 



在你的代碼具有如areaData函數和作爲陣列。首先它是一個數組$scope.areaData然後它變成函數$scope.areaData = function。在此功能中,您可以將數組分配給屬性$scope.areaData。現在函數又是一個數組。如果你試圖調用這個函數,你會得到你的錯誤。


神聖的廢話 - tastic-wonderfull-ness,你是完全正確的!非常感謝,我花了最後一點的時間,真的被卡住了!我設置了'$ scope.matches'而不是'$ scope.areaData',並將其作爲'ng-repeat =「在匹配區域''和blamo !!中迭代,它工作!再次感謝!不能接受2分鐘:D – DrCord


幾分鐘前剛剛得到相同的錯誤:)) – michael
