2014-03-05 93 views


from chaco.api import ArrayPlotData, Plot 
from traits.api import HasTraits, Instance, String, Float, Enum, Button, Str 
from traitsui.api import Handler, View, Item, Group, HSplit, NoButtons, VGroup, VGrid 
from pyface.api import GUI 
from threading import Thread 
from time import sleep 
from enthought.enable.component_editor import ComponentEditor 
from scipy import rand, indices, exp, sqrt, sum 
import numpy as np 
from PIL import Image 
import matplotlib.image as mpimg 
from enthought.chaco.api import gray 
from enthought.savage.traits.ui.svg_button import SVGButton 

class User_Input_Panel(HasTraits): 

    User = Str(name='User', label="User Name") 
    Sample_Name = Str(name='Sample_Name',label="Sample Name") 
    Path = Str(name='Path', label="Save Location", style = 'readonly') 

    #I use this to create a folder icon on the button 
    #~ Save_Folder_Button = SVGButton(label='Choose save Location', \ 
          #~ filename=Folder-drag-accept.svg', \ 
          #~ width=28, \ 
          #~ height=28 \ 

    #~ #Create the User Information panel 
    User_Information_Panel = View(VGroup(
              Item('Path', width=.700, visible_when = 'Save_Visible == True'),        
              #Item('Save_Folder_Button', show_label=False), 
            show_border=True, label="User Information" 

    def _Save_Folder_Button_fired(self, event): 

     print("Pushed the Save Folder") 
     #self.file, self.dir = wxOpenFile(multi=False) 
     #fdir = GUI_tools.wxOpenFile() 
     #fdir = GUI_tools.wxSavePath() 

#I'm planning on setting up threading later 
class MainWindowHandler(Handler): 

    def close(self, info, is_OK): 
     #~ if (info.object.user_input.acquisition_thread and \ 
      #~ info.object.user_input.acquisition_thread.isAlive()): 
      #~ info.object.user_input.acquisition_thread.wants_abort = True 
      #~ while info.object.user_input.acquisition_thread.isAlive(): 
       #~ sleep(0.1) 
      #~ GUI.process_events() 
     return True 

class MainWindow(HasTraits): 

    plot = Instance(Plot) 
    plotdata = Instance(ArrayPlotData,()) 
    user_input = Instance(User_Input_Panel,()) 

    def _user_input_default(self): 
     return User_Input_Panel(plotdata = self.plotdata) 

    Save_Folder_Button = SVGButton(label='Choose save Location', \ 
          filename='C:\Python27\Examples\Mill_GUI\Tescan_BatchScan\Folder-drag-accept.svg', \ 
          width=28, \ 
          height=28 \ 

    def _plot_default(self): 
     self.plotdata = ArrayPlotData(imagedata=np.zeros((100,100))) 
     plot = Plot(self.plotdata) 
     self.plot = plot 
     return plot 

    # If I flip the "Item('user_input'" with "Item('plot') the code will run... 
    view = View(VGroup(Item('user_input', style = 'custom', show_label = False), 
         Item('plot', editor = ComponentEditor(), dock = 'vertical'), 
         show_labels = False), 
         resizable = True, handler = MainWindowHandler(), 
         buttons = NoButtons) 

if __name__ == '__main__': 


乾杯, Shivels


請提供堆棧跟蹤。如果堆棧軌跡長達數百行(遞歸錯誤常常是這種情況),請提供最後十行左右。 – Kevin



您需要從_plot_default方法刪除以下行: self.plot = plot 對於這個在性狀發生,你只需要簡單地返回該劇情對象和self.plot意願分配由特質完成。發生遞歸錯誤是因爲您試圖訪問試圖設置它的方法內的對象的plot屬性。


太棒了!這工作!謝謝! – user3385386