2013-11-22 51 views

所以我的計劃是採取建立一個程序,它看起來類似於這樣的輸入:我需要一個替代方法來串流字符串。 C++

Boole, George  98 105 -1 -1 -1 
Pascal, Blaise  63 48 92 92 92 
Babbage, Charles 100 97 100 98 -1 
Kepler, Johannes 75 102 100 -1 -1 
Clown, Bozo   0 6 6 57 62 
Fini, End   -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 


Student   Submission  Grade 
Boole, George  2   105 
Pascal, Blaise  3   92 
Babbage, Charles 1   100 
Kepler, Johannes 2   102 
Clown, Bozo   5   62 


int main() 

    ifstream infile; 
    ofstream outfile; 

    string lastName, firstName; 

    int score1, score2, score3, score4, score5; 
    int max, location; 

    while(GetInput(infile, lastName, firstName, score1, score2, score3, score4, 
     if (score1 == -99) 
     AnalyzeGrade(infile, lastName, firstName, score1, score2, score3, 
       score4, score5, max, location); 

     WriteOutput(infile, outfile, lastName, firstName, max, location); 

     cout << lastName << " " << firstName << " " << location << " " << max << 

    return 0; 

int GetInput(ifstream& infile, string& lastName, string& firstName, int& score1, 
     int& score2, int& score3, int& score4, int& score5) 
    infile >> lastName >> firstName >> score1 >> score2 >> score3 >> 
      score4 >> score5; 
    return infile; 

int AnalyzeGrade(ifstream& infile, string& lastName, string& firstName, 
     int& score1, int& score2, int& score3, int& score4, int& score5, 
     int& max, int& location) 
    int score[5]; 
    max = 0; 
    score[0] = score1; 
    score[1] = score2; 
    score[2] = score3; 
    score[3] = score4; 
    score[4] = score5; 

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) 
     if (score[i] > max) 
      max = score[i]; 

    if (max == score[0]) 
     location = 1; 
    else if (max == score[1]) 
     location = 2; 
    else if (max == score[2]) 
     location = 3; 
    else if (max == score[3]) 
     location = 4; 
    else if (max == score[4]) 
     location = 5; 


    fill_n(score, 6, 0); 
    return infile; 

void WriteOutput(ifstream& infile, ofstream& outfile, string& lastName, 
     string& firstName, int& max, int& location) 
    string studentID = lastName + " " + firstName; 
    outfile << "\n" << setw(19) << studentID << setw(14) << location << " " << 


Stroustrup, Bjarne 8 8 -1 -1 -1 
Lovelace, Ada  1 60 14 43 -1 
von Neumann, Jon 77 48 65 -1 -1 
Wirth, Niklaus  51 59 -1 -1 -1 
Wozniak, Steve  81 -1 -1 -1 -1 
Babbage, Charles 31 92 -1 -1 -1 
Hopper, Grace  76 -1 -1 -1 -1 
Bird, Tweety  -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 
Sylvester   77 39 -1 -1 -1 




我的代碼基本上達到了同樣的結論。使用變量lastName和firstName,我可以獲取整個名稱並將其輸出爲一個字符串。第3行有逗號,但姓氏有兩個部分,所以會混亂。 – hanipman


'std :: getline(infile,',')'將提取所有內容到第一個逗號並放棄逗號。也許你可以使用它。 –


這對於第三行是有效的,但不是最後一行,因爲沒有逗號需要停下來。 – hanipman



你應該標記輸入字符串並實現稍微更復雜的解析。你可以在你的GetInput函數中使用boost :: split,或者只使用strtok函數。像這樣:

int GetInput(ifstream& infile, string& lastName, string& firstName, int& score1, 
     int& score2, int& score3, int& score4, int& score5) 
    std::string line = infile.str(); 
    std::list<std::string> tokens; // or something fancy with boost::iterator_range 

    boost::split (tokens, line, boost::is_any_of(",")); // define your own predicate if needed 
    // check result and tokens collection before processing it 
    std::list<std::string>::iterator it = tokens.begin(); 
    // now you should split rightmost token the same way but with space between tokens... 

    return infile; 

但是正確的解決方案將嘗試正則表達式。在C++ 11世界中,您可以使用正則表達式包。






這是非常詳細的,但演示了迭代器的使用。爲了說明的目的,我使用了stringstream。刪除, John以查看它如何處理沒有名字。


#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
#include <sstream> 
#include <algorithm> 
#include <cctype> 

int main() { 
    std::string line = "von Neumann, John 77 48 65 -1 -1"; 
    std::istringstream iss(line); 
    auto it = std::find(line.begin(), line.end(), ','); 
    std::string last_name; 
    std::string first_name; 
    std::string integer_list; 

    // If we didn't find a comma 
    if (it == line.end()) 
     // We have a last name only 
     first_name = "NO_FIRST_NAME"; 
     // No comma, so we just search up to the first integer 
     auto find_integer_it = std::find_if(line.begin(), line.end(), [] (char c) { return isdigit(c); }); 
     last_name = std::string(line.begin(), find_integer_it); 
     // Get rest of string from the position of first integer 
     integer_list = std::string(find_integer_it, line.end()); 
    } else { 
    last_name = std::string(line.begin(), it); 

    // it+2 because we're skipping the comma 
    // and the whitespace after the comma 
    auto space_it = std::find(it+2, line.end(), ' '); 
    first_name = std::string(it+2, space_it); 
    auto find_integer_it = std::find_if(line.begin(), line.end(), [] (char c) { return isdigit(c); }); 
    integer_list = std::string(find_integer_it, line.end()); 
    std::cout << last_name << ", " << first_name << std::endl; 
    std::cout << integer_list << std::endl; 


von Neumann, John 

77 48 65 -1 -1 




#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp> 
#include <boost/spirit/home/phoenix/object/construct.hpp> 
#include <boost/spirit/home/phoenix/container.hpp> 
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_core.hpp> 
#include <boost/optional.hpp> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <string> 
#include <vector> 

struct Student 
    boost::optional<std::string> first_name; 
    std::string last_name; 
    std::vector<signed long> grades; 

    bool fill(const std::string& str) 
     namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi; 
     namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii; 
     namespace phoenix = boost::phoenix; 

     typedef std::vector<char> chars; 
     auto set_last_name = 
      [this](const std::vector<char>& name) 
       last_name = std::string(name.begin(), name.end()); 
     auto set_first_name = 
      [this](const std::vector<char>& name) 
       first_name = std::string(name.begin(), name.end()); 

     bool r = qi::phrase_parse(str.begin(), str.end(), 
       (+qi::alpha)[ set_last_name ] // gives vector of char 
       >> -(',' >> +qi::alpha)[ set_first_name ] // gives vector of char 
       >> *(qi::int_ [ phoenix::push_back(phoenix::ref(grades), qi::_1) ]) 
      ), qi::space);  

     return r; 

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
    if (argc < 2) 
     std::cout << "Please specify a filename" << std::endl; 
     return -1; 

    std::ifstream file(argv[1]); 

    if (!file) 
     std::cout << "Invalid filename: " << argv[1] << std::endl; 
     return -2; 

    std::vector<Student> students; 
    std::string str; 
    while (getline(file, str)) 
     Student student; 
     if (student.fill(str)) 
      std::cout << "Parsing succeeded, adding '" ; 

      if (student.first_name) 
       std::cout << *student.first_name << " "; 

       << student.last_name 
       << "' with " << student.grades.size() << " grades." 
       << std::endl; 
      std::cout << "Parsing failed." << std::endl; 

    return 0; 


$ ./a.exe input.txt 
Parsing succeeded, adding 'Bjarne Stroustrup' with 5 grades. 
Parsing succeeded, adding 'Ada Lovelace' with 5 grades. 
Parsing succeeded, adding 'Jon vonNeumann' with 5 grades. 
Parsing succeeded, adding 'Niklaus Wirth' with 5 grades. 
Parsing succeeded, adding 'Steve Wozniak' with 5 grades. 
Parsing succeeded, adding 'Charles Babbage' with 5 grades. 
Parsing succeeded, adding 'Grace Hopper' with 5 grades. 
Parsing succeeded, adding 'Tweety Bird' with 5 grades. 
Parsing succeeded, adding 'Sylvester' with 5 grades.