2011-08-25 32 views

我需要一種算法,它可以生成一組數字的所有可能組合,並將它們全部輸出到Excel電子表格中。例如,對於n = 5(1,2,3,4,5)和r = 2(爲此創建一個小的gui),它將生成所有可能的組合並將它們輸出到excel電子表格中,如下所示。 ..Excel中的組合算法VBA


它打印的順序並不重要。它可以先打印(5,1),然後打印(1,2)。 任何人都可以告訴我如何做到這一點?



命令重要嗎? 5,1和1,5是一樣的嗎? –


如果訂單(如Tim所問)很重要,那麼「所有可能的組合」可以快速增長。如果n和r都是8,那麼是8階或者4萬個以上的排列。你有n的限制嗎? –


是的順序很重要。對不起,沒有把它放進去。1,5和5,1一樣。 – js0823




Option Explicit 

Private c As Integer 

Sub test_print_nCr() 
    print_nCr 5, 3, Range("A1") 
End Sub 

Function print_nCr(n As Integer, r As Integer, p As Range) 
    c = 1 
    internal_print_nCr n, r, p, 1, 1 
End Function 

Private Function internal_print_nCr(n As Integer, r As Integer, ByVal p As Range, Optional i As Integer, Optional l As Integer) As Integer 

    ' n is the number of items we are choosing from 
    ' r is the number of items to choose 
    ' p is the upper corner of the output range 
    ' i is the minimum item we are allowed to pick 
    ' l is how many levels we are in to the choosing 
    ' c is the complete set we are working on 

    If n < 1 Or r > n Or r < 0 Then Err.Raise 1 
    If i < 1 Then i = 1 
    If l < 1 Then l = 1 
    If c < 1 Then c = 1 
    If r = 0 then 
    p = 1 
    Exit Function 
    End If 

    Dim x As Integer 
    Dim y As Integer 

    For x = i To n - r + 1 
    If r = 1 Then 
     If c > 1 Then 
     For y = 0 To l - 2 
      If p.Offset(c - 1, y) = "" Then p.Offset(c - 1, y) = p.Offset(c - 2, y) 
     End If 
     p.Offset(c - 1, l - 1) = x 
     c = c + 1 
     p.Offset(c - 1, l - 1) = x 
     internal_print_nCr n, r - 1, p, x + 1, l + 1 
    End If 

End Function 

謝謝!現在我只需要弄清楚如何在一個單元上打印它們。我是VBA新手,所以過去兩天我一直在學習它。 – js0823


我不得不這樣做一次,最終適應this algorithm。它與嵌套循環有所不同,所以你可能會覺得它很有趣。轉換爲VB,這將是這樣的:

Public Sub printCombinations(ByRef pool() As Integer, ByVal r As Integer) 
    Dim n As Integer 
    n = UBound(pool) - LBound(pool) + 1 

    ' Please do add error handling for when r>n 

    Dim idx() As Integer 
    ReDim idx(1 To r) 
    For i = 1 To r 
     idx(i) = i 
    Next i 

     'Write current combination 
     For j = 1 To r 
      Debug.Print pool(idx(j)); 
      'or whatever you want to do with the numbers 
     Next j 

     ' Locate last non-max index 
     i = r 
     While (idx(i) = n - r + i) 
      i = i - 1 
      If i = 0 Then 
       'All indexes have reached their max, so we're done 
       Exit Sub 
      End If 

     'Increase it and populate the following indexes accordingly 
     idx(i) = idx(i) + 1 
     For j = i + 1 To r 
      idx(j) = idx(i) + j - i 
     Next j 
End Sub 

謝謝。我試了一下,它工作正常,但Excel電子表格中的數組輸入不是我正在尋找的。但我嘗試過,它可以完美地適用於任何需要此功能的人。 – js0823


這就是爲什麼我說「類似」:-) – Joubarc