// var subject = 'HI593F1' or something like that;
// var current_comment = new Array() and keeps count of the current new comment box
// this resulting value looks like this: 'comment-HI593F1-2'
var comment_field = 'comment-'+subject+'-'+current_comment[subject];
document.getElementById(comment_field).value = 'Write a comment...';
document.getElementById(comment_field).onblur = function() { ghost('comment', subject); }
document.getElementById(comment_field).onfocus = function() { unghost('comment', subject); }
document.getElementById(comment_field).onkeypress = function() { text_color('comment', subject); }
function unghost(field, number) { // field = 'comment' ... this is 'comment' because this function modifies more than one field var ogfield = field; // if another comment is expanded if (current) { collapse_comment(current); } current = number; // like var comment field in the comment() function if (number) { field = field+"-"+number+"-"+current_comment[number]; } // below is where the code breaks ... values[ogfield] = 'Write a comment...'; // should look like this: document.getElementById('comment-HI593F1-2').value == 'Write a comment...' if (document.getElementById(field).value == values[ogfield]) { document.getElementById(field).value = \'\'; } // change the color of the field text text_color(field, number); }
發佈相關代碼,我們將會看到。 – 2010-12-13 22:01:21
這是在提供的網址...只是查看源 – Lucas 2010-12-13 22:03:43
不,我不會那樣做。請在此發佈相關代碼,否則您無法真正期望來自這裏的人們提供多少幫助。 – 2010-12-13 22:09:27