詹姆斯甘孜的classic article on Filtering Streambufs具有這使時間戳在每行的開頭非常類似的例子。您可以修改該代碼。或者,您可以使用該文章中的想法所產生的Boost工具。
#include <boost/iostreams/filtering_stream.hpp>
#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
// line_num_filter is a model of the Boost concept OutputFilter which
// inserts a sequential line number at the beginning of every line.
class line_num_filter
: public boost::iostreams::output_filter
template<typename Sink>
bool put(Sink& snk, char c);
template<typename Device>
void close(Device&);
bool m_start_of_line;
unsigned int m_line_num;
boost::array<char, std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::digits10 + 4> m_buf;
const char* m_buf_pos;
const char* m_buf_end;
line_num_filter::line_num_filter() :
// put() must return true if c was written to dest, or false if not.
// After returning false, put() with the same c might be tried again later.
template<typename Sink>
bool line_num_filter::put(Sink& dest, char c)
// If at the start of a line, print the line number into a buffer.
if (m_start_of_line) {
m_buf_pos = m_buf.data();
m_buf_end = m_buf_pos +
std::snprintf(m_buf.data(), m_buf.size(), "%u ", m_line_num);
m_start_of_line = false;
// If there are buffer characters to be written, write them.
// This can be interrupted and resumed if the sink is not accepting
// input, which is why the buffer and pointers need to be members.
while (m_buf_pos != m_buf_end) {
if (!boost::iostreams::put(dest, *m_buf_pos))
return false;
// Copy the actual character of data.
if (!boost::iostreams::put(dest, c))
return false;
// If the character copied was a newline, get ready for the next line.
if (c == '\n') {
m_start_of_line = true;
return true;
// Reset the filter object.
template<typename Device>
void line_num_filter::close(Device&)
m_start_of_line = true;
m_line_num = 1;
m_buf_pos = m_buf_end = m_buf.data();
int main() {
using namespace boost::iostreams;
filtering_ostream myout;
myout << "this is the first line.\n";
myout << "this is the second line.\n";
該解決方案是否可用於輸出到sstream? –
@MattMcNabb不是真的;緩衝區是一個'std :: filebuf'的包裝,所以它只能用於文件。如果您有多種類型的流需要使用它,請使用'std :: streambuf *'並使用流的緩衝區通過構造函數初始化它。 – 0x499602D2
如果你用'std :: streambuf * m_sbuf;'替換'std :: filebuf m_sbuf;',這可能是James Kanze風格的streambuf過濾器。 – aschepler