建築師的費用是以建築物成本的百分比計算的。費用組成如下: 建築成本的前5,000,000美元的8%。 如果剩餘部分大於零但小於或等於$ 80,000.00,則增加剩餘部分的3%,如果剩餘部分超過$ 80,000.00,則剩餘部分的剩餘2.5%。
var totalCost;
var architectFee;
var architectPay;
//prompt user to enter total cost of building
totalCost = prompt("What is the total cost of the building?");
//Output architect pay
if (totalCost <= 5000) {
architectFee = 0.08
architectPay = totalCost * architectFee;
document.write("For a building that will cost $" + totalCost + "," + "the architect's pay will be $" + architectPay);
你需要的是打開一些JavaScript的書,並開始學習:) – Romko
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Math/round – epascarello
開始通過檢查它是否超過$ 80k,elseif超過$ 5k,否則(它是<= 5k) – James