在我的情況下,recaptcha元素顯示在模態內,用戶響應通過ajax發送到服務器,並在服務器端針對Google進行驗證。 像這樣的伎倆:
/* Clears recaptcha HTML element of all content, clears
* recaptcha element id so that the code would know to create
* the new HTML. Reloads recaptcha code with the new specified
* language using jQuery */
var captchaReload = function(langCode) {
recaptchaElement = null;
var url = "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=explicit&hl=" + langCode;
/* Called by recaptcha when the user solves the puzzle.
* The incoming parameter 'response' is generated by the recaptcha
* and needs to be validated against google separately, which
* is not shown here */
var captchaValidate = function(response){
console.log('Doing captcha response: ' + response);
// TODO: Add server side call for validating the client response
/* Variable for keeping track if recaptcha has already been created */
var recaptchaElement = null;
/* Called for initializing the recaptcha element and opening the modal */
var captchaShow = function() {
// Initialize recaptcha if it is not present yet
if(recaptchaElement === null){
recaptchaElement = grecaptcha.render('recaptchaDiv', {
'sitekey' : 'YoUrReCaPtChAsItEkEy',
'theme' : 'light',
'callback' : captchaValidate
// Open captcha modal
window.setTimeout(function() {
您需要重新加載頁面或破壞HTML元素和腳本在一個新的,爲了做到。注意說明reCaptcha ID或reCaptcha容器必須爲空的錯誤。 – colecmc