main(int argc, char *argv[])
int numDead; /* Number of children so far waited for */
pid_t childPid; /* PID of waited for child */
int j;
if (argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0)
usageErr("%s sleep-time...\n", argv[0]);
setbuf(stdout, NULL); /* Disable buffering of stdout */
for (j = 1; j < argc; j++) { /* Create one child for each argument */
switch (fork()) {
case -1:
case 0: /* Child sleeps for a while then exits */
printf("[%s] child %d started with PID %ld, sleeping %s "
"seconds\n", currTime("%T"), j, (long) getpid(),
sleep(getInt(argv[j], GN_NONNEG, "sleep-time"));
default: /* Parent just continues around loop */
numDead = 0;
for (;;) { /* Parent waits for each child to exit */
childPid = wait(NULL);
if (childPid == -1) {
if (errno == ECHILD) {
printf("No more children - bye!\n");
} else { /* Some other (unexpected) error */
printf("[%s] wait() returned child PID %ld (numDead=%d)\n",
currTime("%T"), (long) childPid, numDead);
上的錯誤,等待返回-1。一個可能的錯誤是呼叫 進程沒有(先前未等待的)子級,這由 errno值ECHILD表示。
$ ./multi_wait 7 1 4
[13:41:00] child 1 started with PID 21835, sleeping 7 seconds
[13:41:00] child 2 started with PID 21836, sleeping 1 seconds
[13:41:00] child 3 started with PID 21837, sleeping 4 seconds
[13:41:01] wait() returned child PID 21836 (numDead=1)
[13:41:04] wait() returned child PID 21837 (numDead=2)
[13:41:07] wait() returned child PID 21835 (numDead=3)
No more children - bye!
系統如何知道有沒有更多的unwaited,兒童和返回ECHILD。 例如,在這個例子中,如果有些孩子睡了很長時間會怎麼樣?
我可以這樣說:如果主進程開始再次等待,殭屍會變成非殭屍進程嗎? – q0987
如果當前進程有一個殭屍小孩,在當前進程通過'wait *()'獲取它之後,殭屍會消失。 – ninjalj