這是我實現的UserService類。這是一個稍微修改後的版本(http://www.shrikar.com/blog/2013/10/26/playframework-securesocial-and-mongodb/)用於SecureSocial(Play Framework)的MongoUserService多次保留同一用戶
我將它與默認的securesocial FacebookProvider一起使用。一切工作正常,除了它每次登錄時重複用戶輸入的事實。我只想堅持一次用戶。我認爲這是由插件本身處理的,但我不確定是這樣。是否由我來檢查用戶是否存在,並且只有當同一用戶沒有其他條目時才插入記錄的用戶?或者還有其他什麼是錯的?
class MongoUserService(application: Application) extends UserServicePlugin(application) with Controller with MongoController {
def collection: JSONCollection = db.collection[JSONCollection]("users")
def tokens: JSONCollection = db.collection[JSONCollection]("tokens")
val outPutUser = (__ \ "id").json.prune
def retIdentity(json: JsObject): Identity = {
val userid = (json \ "userid").as[String]
val provider = (json \ "provider").as[String]
val firstname = (json \ "firstname").as[String]
val lastname = (json \ "lastname").as[String]
val email = (json \ "email").as[String]
val avatar = (json \ "avatar").as[String]
val hash = (json \ "password" \ "hasher").as[String]
val password = (json \ "password" \ "password").as[String]
println("password : " + password)
val salt = (json \ "password" \ "salt").asOpt[String]
val authmethod = (json \ "authmethod").as[String]
val identity: IdentityId = new IdentityId(userid, authmethod)
val authMethod: AuthenticationMethod = new AuthenticationMethod(authmethod)
val pwdInfo: PasswordInfo = new PasswordInfo(hash, password)
val serial:Integer=((json\"serial").as[Long]).toInt
val user: NWOUser = new NWOUser(identity, firstname, lastname, firstname, Some(email), Some(avatar), authMethod, None, None, Some(pwdInfo),serial)
def generateSerial():Integer={
val collection = db[JSONCollection]("serial")
val cursor = collection.find(Json.obj()).cursor[JsObject]
val futureserial = cursor.headOption.map {
case Some(i) => i
case None => 0
val jobj = Await.result(futureserial, 5 seconds)
val newSerial=jobj match {
case x: Boolean => 0
case _ =>retSerial(jobj.asInstanceOf[JsObject])+1
collection.update(Json.obj(), Json.obj("$set"->Json.obj("serial"->newSerial))).onComplete {
case _=>println("updated")
def retSerial(json: JsObject): Integer = {
val serial=(json \ "serial").as[Long]
def findByEmailAndProvider(email: String, providerId: String): Option[Identity] = {
val cursor = collection.find(Json.obj("userid" -> email, "provider" -> providerId)).cursor[JsObject]
val futureuser = cursor.headOption.map {
case Some(user) => user
case None => false
val jobj = Await.result(futureuser, 5 seconds)
jobj match {
case x: Boolean => None
case _ => Some(retIdentity(jobj.asInstanceOf[JsObject]))
def save(user: Identity): Identity = {
val email = user.email match {
case Some(email) => email
case _ => "N/A"
val avatar = user.avatarUrl match {
case Some(url) => url
case _ => "N/A"
val savejson = Json.obj(
"userid" -> user.identityId.userId,
"provider" -> user.identityId.providerId,
"firstname" -> user.firstName,
"lastname" -> user.lastName,
"email" -> email,
"avatar" -> avatar,
"authmethod" -> user.authMethod.method,
user.passwordInfo match {
case None =>"password" -> Json.obj( "hasher" -> "",
"password" -> "",
"salt" -> "")
case x =>"password" -> Json.obj(
"hasher" -> x.get.hasher,
"password" -> x.get.password,
"salt" -> x.get.salt)
"created_at" -> Json.obj("$date" -> new Date()),
"updated_at" -> Json.obj("$date" -> new Date()))
def find(id: IdentityId): Option[Identity] = {
findByEmailAndProvider(id.userId, id.providerId)
def save(token: Token) {
val tokentosave = Json.obj(
"uuid" -> token.uuid,
"email" -> token.email,
"creation_time" -> Json.obj("$date" -> token.creationTime),
"expiration_time" -> Json.obj("$date" -> token.expirationTime),
"isSignUp" -> token.isSignUp)
def findToken(token: String): Option[Token] = {
val cursor = tokens.find(Json.obj("uuid" -> token)).cursor[JsObject]
val futureuser = cursor.headOption.map {
case Some(user) => user
case None => false
val jobj = Await.result(futureuser, 5 seconds)
jobj match {
case x: Boolean => None
case obj: JsObject => {
val uuid = (obj \ "uuid").as[String]
val email = (obj \ "email").as[String]
val created = (obj \ "creation_time" \ "$date").as[Long]
val expire = (obj \ "expiration_time" \ "$date").as[Long]
val signup = (obj \ "isSignUp").as[Boolean]
val df = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
Some(new Token(uuid, email, new DateTime(created), new DateTime(expire), signup))
def deleteToken(uuid: String) {}
def deleteExpiredTokens() {}