case 23:
// Gather Variables
$Message = preg_replace("/\s+/","%20", $Message);
$UnixTime = time();
$cycle = explode(":", $Message);
$machine_press = $cycle[0];
$machine_pct_full = $machine_press/20;
$machine_cycles_return = $cycle[1];
$machine_cycles_total = $cycle[2];
// Build SQL Statement to update static values in the machine table
$sql = "UPDATE `machines` SET `machine_last_run`=".$UnixTime.",`machine_press`=".$machine_press.",`machine_pct_full`=".$machine_pct_full.",`machine_cycles_return`=".$machine_cycles_return.",`machine_cycles_total`=".$machine_cycles_total." WHERE `machine_serial`='$MachSerial'";
// Performs the $sql query on the server to update the values
if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
// echo 'Entry saved successfully<br>';
} else {
echo 'Error: '. $conn->error;
$sql = "INSERT INTO `cycles` (`cycle_sequence`,`cycle_timestamp`,`cycle_did`,`cycle_serial`,`cycle_03_INT`,`cycle_14_INT`,`cycle_15_INT`,`cycle_18_INT`)";
$sql = $sql . "VALUES ($SeqNum,$UnixTime,'$siteDID','$MachSerial',$machine_press,$machine_cycles_total,$machine_cycles_return,$machine_pct_full)";
// Performs the $sql query on the server to insert the values
if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
// echo 'Entry saved successfully<br>';
} else {
echo 'Error: '. $conn->error;
phpmyadmin不是數據庫 –
你得到什麼錯誤,客戶端和/或服務器端? – j08691
@ j08691 我沒有得到任何錯誤..我們正在使用codeigniter框架,所以我沒有辦法獲取錯誤..或者可能是我不知道如何查找任何錯誤。 –