2013-02-26 69 views

我正在開發一個需要將實況視頻源傳輸到YouTube的Android項目。從官方YouTube數據API 2.0:YouTube直播API的可訪問性


Please note the following prerequisites for using the API functionality described 
in this section: 

1. Developers need to sign an API Testing Agreement before their applications can 
successfully issue requests to manage live events. Please contact the YouTube 
developer relations team via a post to the YouTube APIs Developer Forum if you 
are interested in incorporating this functionality into your application. 

2. The ability to create, update, and delete live events is only available to some 
YouTube users. The Determining whether a user can create live events section 
explains how to check a user's profile entry to see whether a user has access 
to these features. 


  1. 我在哪裏可以申請許可證這樣我的Android應用程序就可以成功地管理直播?

  2. 如何獲得實時流式傳輸的YouTube帳戶,以便我可以測試我的應用程序?
