2014-01-21 18 views


import java.util.Arrays; 
import java.text.NumberFormat; 
import java.util.Locale; 
import java.text.DecimalFormat; 

public class Bookstore2_3 
public static void main(String args[]) 

    NumberFormat usCurrency = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US); 
    DecimalFormat simpleformat = new DecimalFormat("#,###.#"); 

    String[] titles; 
    titles = new String [5]; 

    titles [0] = new String ("David Goes to School"); 
    titles [1] = new String ("No David!"); 
    titles [2] = new String ("Simple Abundance"); 
    titles [3] = new String ("The very hungry caterpillar"); 
    titles [4] = new String ("We are going on a bear hunt");   

    Book sortedBooks[] = new Book[5]; 
    sortedBooks [0] = new EBook (0075260012l, "David goes to School", "David Shannon", 2010, "Shannon Rock", 12, "www.anything.com", 1); 
    sortedBooks [1] = new Book (7423540089l, "No David!", "David Shannon", 2009, "Shannon Rock", 13); 
    sortedBooks [2] = new Book (0743200616l, "Simple Abundance", "Sarah Breathnach", 2009, "Scribner", 15); 
    sortedBooks [3] = new EBook (78137521819l, "The very hungry caterpillar", "Eric Carle", 2005, "Philomel Books", 14, "http://www.tinyurl.fguopt8u90", 1); 
    sortedBooks [4] = new Book (9781416987116l, "We are going on a bear hunt", "Michael Rosen", 2009, "McElderry", 16); 


} // end class Bookstore 

// Begin class Book 
class Book 
public float isbn; 
public String title; 
public String authorName; 
public float yearPublished; 
public String publisherName; 
public float price; 

public Book() 
    isbn = 0; 
    title = ""; 
    authorName = ""; 
    yearPublished = 0; 
    publisherName = ""; 
    price = 0; 

public Book (float bookisbn, String bookTitle, String bookauthorName, float bookyearPublished, String bookpublisherName, float bookPrice) 
    isbn = bookisbn; 
    title = bookTitle; 
    authorName = bookauthorName; 
    yearPublished = bookyearPublished; 
    publisherName = bookpublisherName; 
    price = bookPrice; 

public void setISBN (float ISBN) //set ISBN 
    this.isbn = ISBN; 
public float getISBN() //get ISBN 
    return isbn; 
public void setTitle (String Title) //set Title 
    this.title = Title; 
public String getTitle() //get Title 
    return title; 
public void setAuthorName (String AuthorName) //set AuthorName 
    this.authorName = AuthorName; 
public String getAuthorName() //get AuthorName 
    return authorName; 
public void setYearPublished (float YearPublished)//set YearPublished 
    this.yearPublished = YearPublished; 
public float getYearPublished() //get YearPublished 
    return yearPublished; 
public void setPublisherName (String PublisherName) 
    this.publisherName = PublisherName; 
public String getPublisherName() 
    return publisherName; 
public void setPrice (float Price) 
    this.price = Price; 
public float getPrice() 
    return price; 

} // end class Book 

//Begin class EBook 
class EBook extends Book 
public String webSite; 
public float discountRate; 
public float discountOff; 

public EBook (float isbn, String title, String authorName, float yearPublished, String publisherName, float price, String webSite, float discountRate) 
    super(isbn, title, authorName, yearPublished, publisherName, price); 
    webSite = ""; 
    discountRate = 2; 
public EBook (String EBookWebSite, float EBookDiscount) 
    webSite = EBookWebSite; 
    discountRate = EBookDiscount; 

public void setWebSite (String WebSite) 
    this.webSite = WebSite; 
public String getWebSite() 
    return webSite; 
public float discountOff (float discountRate, float price) //method to calculate discount off 
    float discountOff = discountRate * price; 
    return discountRate * price; 
public String toString() 
    return "ISBN: " + isbn + "\n" + "Title: " + title + "\n" + "Author's Name: " + authorName + "\n" + "Year Published: " + yearPublished + "\n" + "Publisher's Name: " + publisherName + "\n" + "Price: " + price + "\n" + "Website: " + webSite + "\n" + "Discount: " + discountRate + "\n"; 


請更具體的錯誤比「null和其他行話」。 – andars


不要忘記重寫'Book'類中的'toString()'方法。 –


哇!大家好,感謝您的真正快速反饋!我想要做的是顯示數組中的所有信息。它可以正確編譯,但是在實際運行時,任何帶有網站的響應都會返回空值,折扣表示爲零。網站和折扣是特定於電子書的子類的成員,所以我認爲它與此有關,我只是堅持如何解決這個問題。 – CoShark




webSite = ""; 


this.webSite = ""; 

this.webSite = webSite; 



哇,我真不敢相信這就是爲此感謝你! – CoShark


@CoShark Book @ 1d7e8c5b是所有類繼承的Object#toString()方法的結果。你需要重寫它。 –


謝謝你指出,我只是想弄清楚現在的覆蓋概念。這將被放置在哪裏?如果你不介意給我看。 – CoShark