2012-10-04 59 views


 OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog(); 
     private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
      dlg.Filter = "Image (*bmp)|*.bmp|All Files|*.*"; 
      SetLogo = 0; 

      if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) 

       this.pictureBox1.Image = (System.Drawing.Bitmap)Image.FromFile(dlg.FileName); 

       int nMaxBitmapHeigth = 800; 
       int nMaxBitmapWidth = 950; 
       string strOrgFullPath = dlg.FileName; 

       System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpNew = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(strOrgFullPath); 
       System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpOrg = null; 

      // after this is the code for resizing the image to show on another picture box. 


private void comboBox44_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    int nMaxBitmapHeigth = 800; 
    int nMaxBitmapWidth = 950; 

    System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpNew = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(dlg.FileName); 
    System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpOrg = null; 

// after this is the code for resizing the image to show on another picture box. 


但編譯後出現錯誤。錯誤指向這一行「System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpNew = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(dlg.FileName);」在combobox44上。錯誤消息是「路徑不是合法的形式」。怎麼了?爲什麼我不能使用button1中的圖像?


「dlg.FileName」中有什麼?在選擇文件之前,這可能會被解僱。 (一個'OpenFileDialog'是一個可怕的地方,可以在按下OK之後存儲一段時間的路徑,我不確定這是一個偉大的想法,只要將它放在內存中就可以了) –


我想dlg.Filename是在combobox44_SelectedIndex中的emtpy。附上一個debuigger並設置一個斷點(F9)來驗證。 – rene


dlg.Filename與button1相同。我正在考慮button1選擇將在combobox44中使用。我可以這樣寫嗎? – Coolguy




string strOrgFullPath = ""; 
    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
     dlg.Filter = "Image (*bmp)|*.bmp|All Files|*.*"; 
     SetLogo = 0; 

     if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) 

      this.pictureBox1.Image = (System.Drawing.Bitmap)Image.FromFile(dlg.FileName); 

      int nMaxBitmapHeigth = 800; 
      int nMaxBitmapWidth = 950; 
      strOrgFullPath = dlg.FileName; 

      System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpNew = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(strOrgFullPath); 
      System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpOrg = null; 

     // after this is the code for resizing the image to show on another picture box. 

    private void comboBox44_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 
     int nMaxBitmapHeigth = 800; 
     int nMaxBitmapWidth = 950; 

     System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpNew = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(strOrgFullPath); 
     System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpOrg = null; 

    // after this is the code for resizing the image to show on another picture box. 

    Try, Best of luck 

我試過你的,但仍然是Pasad的錯誤信息。 – Coolguy


當事件被觸發時檢查'strOrgFullPath'。它可能仍然是空的。 –


是的,我原來把comboBox44.SelectedIndex = 0;在Form1_Load中。我認爲當Form1加載它檢測到combobox44中的索引更改並運行comboBox44_SelectedIndexChanged例程時,發現strOrgFullPath爲空。當我刪除comboBox44.SelectedIndex = 0;在Form1_Load中,已經很好了。 – Coolguy



private void comboBox44_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 
     int nMaxBitmapHeigth = 800; 
     int nMaxBitmapWidth = 950; 

     if (this.pictureBox1.Image != null) 
      System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpNew = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(this.pictureBox1.Image, new System.Drawing.Size(nMaxBitmapHeigth, nMaxBitmapWidth)); 
      System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpOrg = null;  
     // after this is the code for resizing the image to show on another picture box. 

+1只要你沒有更換'picturebox1'中的圖像後至少調整大小。否則,如果您再次調整小而大,則會丟失信息。 –


@lc。是的,你是對的,但他可以將其信息傳遞給另一個變量,如果他需要它..謝謝 –


是的,我認爲保持原始位圖在內存中是最好的解決方案,無論是在picturebox或其他地方。 –