我試圖在每次循環結束時打印歌曲名稱和歌曲長度。我該怎麼做呢? Report+= songTitles[numSongs] + songLengths[numSongs]
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class asdf_Playlist {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final int MAX_SONGS = 106;
int totalDuration = 0;
int numSongs = 0;
boolean exitVar = false;
int i = 0;
String[] songTitles = new String[MAX_SONGS];
int[] songLengths = new int[MAX_SONGS];
while (exitVar == false && numSongs <= songTitles.length) {
do {
songTitles[numSongs] = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter a song name, or type -1 to exit");
if (songTitles[numSongs].equals("")) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Error: Please enter a valid song name, or type -1 to exit");
} else if (songTitles[numSongs].equals("-1")) {
exitVar = true;
} while (songTitles[numSongs].equals(""));
do {
try {
songLengths[numSongs] = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter a song length, e.g. 4."));
if (songLengths[numSongs] > 0) {
totalDuration += songLengths[numSongs];
} else {
songLengths[numSongs] = -1;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Error: please enter a valid song length, e.g. 4.");
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
songLengths[numSongs] = -1;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error: please enter a valid song length, e.g. 4.");
} while (songLengths[numSongs] <= 0);
boolean addMore = true;
while ((numSongs <= MAX_SONGS) && (addMore == true)) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Song #" + (i+1) + ": " + songTitles[i] + " length: " + songLengths[i] + "\n");
if (songTitles[i] == null) {
addMore = false;
目前還不清楚你在問什麼。你的意思是打印到控制檯或文件?您是否想要爲循環的每次迭代打印所有歌曲?你問題中的「報告」是指什麼? – sprinter
抱歉 - 我只是想在每次循環重新開始時打印歌曲標題和長度,以便用戶可以看到他們輸入的每首歌曲。這就是我想要做的。 – Hello
我還需要使用線性搜索刪除歌曲,我想我可以使用帶有報告標題的字符串(類似於「歌曲名稱:,歌曲長度:」)來顯示所有歌曲,以便用戶可以鍵入將歌曲從列表中刪除的名稱。 我剛纔發現我可以使用連接並拾取之前輸入信息的字符串,因此用戶可以看到輸入的每首歌曲,而不僅僅是前一首。 – Hello