2012-12-25 135 views



Sub Working() 
    Dim cat(1 To 10) 
    Dim bat(1 To 10) 

    For i = 1 To 10 
     cat(i) = i * 10 
     bat(i) = i * 5 
    Next i 

    Sheet2.Range("A2:A11") = Application.Transpose(cat()) 
    Sheet2.Range("B2:B11") = Application.Transpose(bat()) 
End Sub 


Sub not_working() 
    Dim cat(1 To 10) 
    Dim bat(1 To 10) 

    For i = 1 To 10 
     cat(i) = i * 10 
     bat(i) = i * 5 
    Next i 

    a = 3 
    Do While Sheet1.Cells(a, 1) <> "" 
     OutVar = Sheet1.cells(a, 1) & "()" 
      Cells(2, a - 2).Address, Cells(11, a - 2).Address _ 
     ) = Application.Transpose(Outvar) 
     a = a + 1 
End Sub 

' Sheet1.cells(3,1) = cat - these cells contain the variable names 
' Sheet1.cells(4,1) = bat - these cells contain the variable names 



你的標題表示將'String reference'轉換爲'variable name'。你是通過String引用引用一個String數組嗎?你的代碼只是通過'Transpose'將一個數組輸出到表單中。你能解釋這個問題嗎? – bonCodigo


謝謝你的評論。上面有兩段代碼,「sub working」和「sub not_working」。程序「working」中的代碼很好,除了輸出變量(cat&bat)在代碼中被硬編碼之外。我想引用輸出變量,就像我在過程「not_working」中所做的那樣。輸出變量的名稱可以被稱爲字符串引用。我的問題是讓代碼明白它是我所指的數組變量... – user1927820


我分享bonCodigo的困惑,因爲當我支持時,這是最困難的問題類型。你告訴我們你想要存在的技術;你沒有告訴我們你爲什麼要使用該技術。我喜歡在工作表中保存參數,告訴我的程序今天我希望將這些數據移到那裏。在這兩個版本中,您都會編寫兩個數組的創建代碼;只有目的地會有所不同。你期望添加第三個和第四個數組嗎?你期望什麼樣的未來要求,並希望做好準備? –







  • 主(0)爲一維數組,
  • 主(1)到更大的一維數組,
  • 主(2)的2D陣列,
  • 主(3)到一個整數,
  • 主要(4)到工作表的使用範圍。





Option Explicit 
Sub DemoRaggedArray() 

    Dim InxDim As Long 
    Dim InxMain As Long 
    Dim InxWCol As Long 
    Dim InxWRow As Long 
    Dim Main() As Variant 
    Dim NumOfDim As Long 
    Dim Work() As Variant 

    ReDim Main(0 To 5) 

    Work = Array(1, "A", True) 

    Main(0) = Work 

    Main(1) = Array(2, "B", False, 1.2) 

    ReDim Work(1 To 2, 1 To 3) 

    Work(1, 1) = 1 
    Work(1, 2) = 2.5 
    Work(1, 3) = DateSerial(2012, 12, 27) 
    Work(2, 1) = True 
    Work(2, 2) = "String" 

    Main(2) = Work 

    Main(3) = 27 

    ' Cells A1:C4 of the worksheet have been set to their addresses 
    Main(4) = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Worksheets("Sheet2").UsedRange.Value) 

    For InxMain = LBound(Main) To UBound(Main) 
    Debug.Print "Type of Main(" & InxMain & ") is " & VarTypeName(Main(InxMain)) 
    Select Case VarType(Main(InxMain)) 
     Case vbEmpty, vbNull 
     ' No value 
     Case Is >= vbArray 
     ' Array 
     NumOfDim = NumDim(Main(InxMain)) 
     Debug.Print " Main(" & InxMain & ") is dimensioned as: ("; 
     For InxDim = 1 To NumOfDim 
      Debug.Print LBound(Main(InxMain), InxDim) & " To " & _ 
                UBound(Main(InxMain), InxDim); 
      If InxDim < NumOfDim Then 
      Debug.Print ", "; 
      End If 
     Debug.Print ")" 
     Select Case NumOfDim 
      Case 1 
      For InxWCol = LBound(Main(InxMain)) To UBound(Main(InxMain)) 
       Debug.Print " (" & InxWCol & ")[" & _ 
             VarTypeName(Main(InxMain)(InxWCol)) & "]"; 
       Select Case VarType(Main(InxMain)(InxWCol)) 
       Case vbEmpty, vbNull, vbArray 
        ' No code to handle these types 
       Case Else 
        Debug.Print "=" & Main(InxMain)(InxWCol); 
       End Select 
      Case 2 
      For InxWRow = LBound(Main(InxMain), 2) To UBound(Main(InxMain), 2) 
       For InxWCol = LBound(Main(InxMain), 1) To UBound(Main(InxMain), 1) 

       Debug.Print " (" & InxWCol & "," & InxWRow & ")[" & _ 
          VarTypeName(Main(InxMain)(InxWCol, InxWRow)) & "]"; 
       Select Case VarType(Main(InxMain)(InxWCol, InxWRow)) 
        Case vbEmpty, vbNull, vbArray 
        ' No code to handle these types 
        Case Else 
        Debug.Print "=" & Main(InxMain)(InxWCol, InxWRow); 
       End Select 
      Case Else 
      Debug.Print " There is no display code for this number of dimensions" 
     End Select 
     Case Else 
     ' Single variable 
     Debug.Print " Value = " & Main(InxMain) 
    End Select 

End Sub 
Public Function NumDim(ParamArray TestArray() As Variant) As Integer 

    ' Returns the number of dimensions of TestArray. 

    ' If there is an official way of determining the number of dimensions, I cannot find it. 

    ' This routine tests for dimension 1, 2, 3 and so on until it get a failure. 
    ' By trapping that failure it can determine the last test that did not fail. 

    ' Coded June 2010. Documentation added July 2010. 

    ' * TestArray() is a ParamArray because it allows the passing of arrays of any type. 
    ' * The array to be tested in not TestArray but TestArray(LBound(TestArray)). 
    ' * The routine does not validate that TestArray(LBound(TestArray)) is an array. If 
    ' it is not an array, the routine return 0. 
    ' * The routine does not check for more than one parameter. If the call was 
    ' NumDim(MyArray1, MyArray2), it would ignore MyArray2. 

    Dim TestDim     As Integer 
    Dim TestResult    As Integer 

    On Error GoTo Finish 

    TestDim = 1 
    Do While True 
    TestResult = LBound(TestArray(LBound(TestArray)), TestDim) 
    TestDim = TestDim + 1 


    NumDim = TestDim - 1 

End Function 
Function VarTypeName(Var As Variant) 

    Dim Name As String 
    Dim TypeOfVar As Long 

    TypeOfVar = VarType(Var) 

    If TypeOfVar >= vbArray Then 
    Name = "Array of type " 
    TypeOfVar = TypeOfVar - vbArray 
    Name = "" 
    End If 

    Select Case TypeOfVar 
    Case vbEmpty 
     Name = Name & "Uninitialised" 
    Case vbNull 
     Name = Name & "Contains no valid data" 
    Case vbInteger 
     Name = Name & "Integer" 
    Case vbLong 
     Name = Name & "Long integer" 
    Case vbSingle 
     Name = Name & "Single-precision floating-point number" 
    Case vbDouble 
     Name = Name & "Double-precision floating-point number" 
    Case vbCurrency 
     Name = Name & "Currency" 
    Case vbDate 
     Name = Name & "Date" 
    Case vbString 
     Name = Name & "String" 
    Case vbObject 
     Name = Name & "Object" 
    Case vbError 
     Name = Name & "Error" 
    Case vbBoolean 
     Name = Name & "Boolean" 
    Case vbVariant 
     Name = Name & "Variant" 
    Case vbDataObject 
     Name = Name & "Data access object" 
    Case vbDecimal 
     Name = Name & "Decimal" 
    Case vbByte 
     Name = Name & "Byte" 
    Case vbUserDefinedType 
     Name = Name & "Variants that contain user-defined types" 
    Case Else 
     Name = Name & "Unknown type " & TypeOfVar 
    End Select 

    VarTypeName = Name 

End Function 


Type of Main(0) is Array of type Variant 
    Main(0) is dimensioned as: (0 To 2) 
    (0)[Integer]=1 (1)[String]=A (2)[Boolean]=True 
Type of Main(1) is Array of type Variant 
    Main(1) is dimensioned as: (0 To 3) 
    (0)[Integer]=2 (1)[String]=B (2)[Boolean]=False (3)[Double-precision floating-point number]=1.2 
Type of Main(2) is Array of type Variant 
    Main(2) is dimensioned as: (1 To 2, 1 To 3) 
    (1,1)[Integer]=1 (2,1)[Boolean]=True 
    (1,2)[Double-precision floating-point number]=2.5 (2,2)[String]=String 
    (1,3)[Date]=27/12/2012 (2,3)[Uninitialised] 
Type of Main(3) is Integer 
    Value = 27 
Type of Main(4) is Array of type Variant 
    Main(4) is dimensioned as: (1 To 3, 1 To 4) 
    (1,1)[String]=A1 (2,1)[String]=B1 (3,1)[String]=C1 
    (1,2)[String]=A2 (2,2)[String]=B2 (3,2)[String]=C2 
    (1,3)[String]=A3 (2,3)[String]=B3 (3,3)[String]=C3 
    (1,4)[String]=A4 (2,4)[String]=B4 (3,4)[String]=C4 
Type of Main(5) is Uninitialised 

注日期顯示爲 「27/12/2012」,因爲這是我的國家的默認日期格式。如果您運行此代碼,它將以您所在國家/地區的默認格式顯示。