function NameRange(r2,c2,b2,RangeName,SummaryFileName,SheetName)
% --------------------
% Function: NameRange
% Description:
% This script names a specific range in Excel
% input:
% r2 = rows in data being written to Excel i.e. size(matrix, 2)
% c2 = columns in data being written to Excel i.e. size(matrix,1)
% b2 = the starting cell you are writing to i.e. whatever cell you put into xlswrite i.e. 'A2'
% Rangename = What you want to name the range
% SummaryFileName is the address to the file, '**FILENAME**.xls'
% Sheet Name is the worksheet name i.e. 'Doc Details'
% Example: NameRange(5,6,'A3','Tester1234','**FILENAME**.xls','Doc Details')
% Output - named range
% If you named a sheet incorrectly, this is one of the Possible Errors
% Description: The name that you entered is not valid.
% Reasons for this can include:
% -The name does not begin with a letter or an underscore
% -The name contains a space or other invalid characters
% -The name conflicts with an Excel built-in name or the
% name of another object in the workbook
% Help File: xlmain11.chm
% Help Context ID: 0
% ----------------------
% Create object.
ExcelApp = actxserver('Excel.Application');
% Show window (optional).
ExcelApp.Visible = 1;
% Open file located in the current folder.
% create handle for parsing sheets
Sheets = ExcelApp.ActiveWorkBook.Sheets;
% grab the specified sheet
cursheet = get(Sheets, 'Item', SheetName);
% calculate start and end
[cr1, cr2]=nn2an2(r2,c2,b2);
A1Notation = [cr1 ':' cr2];
cursheet.Range(A1Notation).Name = RangeName;
% Pull the shortname from the path to close the file
[pathstr, name, ext] = fileparts(SummaryFileName);
ShortName = [name ext];
Excel = actxGetRunningServer('Excel.Application');
function [cr1 ,cr2] = nn2an2(r2, c2, b2)
% r1 and c1 is the size of the data you are writing to matlab, and b2 is
% the starting cell
% convert alpha, number format to number, number format
% this is the starting cell
t = find(isletter(b2));
t2 = abs(upper(b2(t))) - 64;
if(length(t2) == 2), t2(1) = t2(1) * 26; end
c1 = sum(t2); r1 = str2num(b2(max(t) + 1:length(b2)));
% find the other corner of the matrix in A1 notation by adding the two
% together
c3 = c1+c2-1;
r3 = r1+r2-1;
% convert number, number format to alpha, number format
t3 = [floor((c3 - 1)/26) + 64 rem(c3 - 1, 26) + 65];
if(t3(1)<65), t3(1) = []; end
% other corner found
cr2 = [char(t3) num2str(r3)];
cr1 = b2;
你說的'名字的意思是range' - 只想寫爲'A2:D6'在標記片'MyData',或你的意思是根據其他輸入自動創建字符串「A2:D6」嗎?舉例說明你想要做什麼。 – nkjt
我想在標有'MyData'的表格中寫入'A2',並將範圍命名爲'Number_of_Widgets'(請參閱Excel下的Excel範圍名稱 - 公式 - >名稱管理器)。我有Word VBA代碼訪問Excel範圍名稱並將它們匹配到Word中同名的書籤。 – user1854628
我不相信'xlswrite'可以實現。如果您有權訪問它,也許可以查看「MLGetMatrix」。 – nkjt