2016-09-26 35 views




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.LogoFF1 { 
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<!DOCTYPE html> 

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\t Hello there, and welcome to FireFalcons personal website! 
\t </p> 
\t <p> 
\t Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent pharetra rutrum massa vitae cursus. 
\t Integer condimentum sollicitudin tristique. Ut lectus mi, iaculis eget faucibus quis, tincidunt eu ligula. 
\t Aliquam id ornare dui. Nulla efficitur ipsum vitae magna ultricies placerat ullamcorper ut turpis. 
\t Ut sed malesuada nibh. Phasellus fringilla ex a eros volutpat consectetur. 
\t </p> 
       Copyright &copy; 2016 Stephen Fawcett, All rights reserved 




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<!DOCTYPE html> 

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    <div id="section"> 
\t Hello there, and welcome to FireFalcons personal website! 
\t </p> 
\t <p> 
\t Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent pharetra rutrum massa vitae cursus. 
\t Integer condimentum sollicitudin tristique. Ut lectus mi, iaculis eget faucibus quis, tincidunt eu ligula. 
\t Aliquam id ornare dui. Nulla efficitur ipsum vitae magna ultricies placerat ullamcorper ut turpis. 
\t Ut sed malesuada nibh. Phasellus fringilla ex a eros volutpat consectetur. 
\t </p> 
       Copyright &copy; 2016 Stephen Fawcett, All rights reserved 




.LogoFF1 { 
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.LogoFF1 { 
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<!DOCTYPE html> 

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     <p class="LogoFF1">FF1 Site</p> 
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      <a href="profile.html">Profile</a> 
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\t \t <li> 
      <a href="about.html">About</a> 
    <div id="section"> 
\t Hello there, and welcome to FireFalcons personal website! 
\t </p> 
\t <p> 
\t Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent pharetra rutrum massa vitae cursus. 
\t Integer condimentum sollicitudin tristique. Ut lectus mi, iaculis eget faucibus quis, tincidunt eu ligula. 
\t Aliquam id ornare dui. Nulla efficitur ipsum vitae magna ultricies placerat ullamcorper ut turpis. 
\t Ut sed malesuada nibh. Phasellus fringilla ex a eros volutpat consectetur. 
\t </p> 
       Copyright &copy; 2016 Stephen Fawcett, All rights reserved 






body { 
    background-color: #101010; 

\t height:50px; 
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\t letter-spacing:1px; 
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\t \t \t \t -2px -2px 2px #2050FF, 
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nav li { 
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<!DOCTYPE html> 

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/home.css"> 
    <meta charset="UTF-8"> 

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     <p class="LogoFF1">FF1 Site</p> 
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     <nav class="vertical"> 
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      <a href="profile.html">Profile</a> 
      <a href="personalBests.html">Personal Bests</a> 
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\t \t <li> 
      <a href="about.html">About</a> 
    <div id="section"> 
\t Hello there, and welcome to FireFalcons personal website! 
\t </p> 
\t <p> 
\t Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent pharetra rutrum massa vitae cursus. 
\t Integer condimentum sollicitudin tristique. Ut lectus mi, iaculis eget faucibus quis, tincidunt eu ligula. 
\t Aliquam id ornare dui. Nulla efficitur ipsum vitae magna ultricies placerat ullamcorper ut turpis. 
\t Ut sed malesuada nibh. Phasellus fringilla ex a eros volutpat consectetur. 
\t </p> 
       Copyright &copy; 2016 Stephen Fawcett, All rights reserved 




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\t Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent pharetra rutrum massa vitae cursus. 
\t Integer condimentum sollicitudin tristique. Ut lectus mi, iaculis eget faucibus quis, tincidunt eu ligula. 
\t Aliquam id ornare dui. Nulla efficitur ipsum vitae magna ultricies placerat ullamcorper ut turpis. 
\t Ut sed malesuada nibh. Phasellus fringilla ex a eros volutpat consectetur. 
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       Copyright &copy; 2016 Stephen Fawcett, All rights reserved 
