2016-04-25 77 views
import java.io.InputStream; 
import java.io.OutputStream; 
import java.io.IOException; 

    This class encrypts files using the Caesar cipher. 
    For decryption, use an encryptor whose key is the 
    negative of the encryption key. 
public class CaesarCipher 
    private String keyWordString; 
    private String removeDuplicates(String word){ 

    for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) { 
     if(!keyWordString.contains(String.valueOf(word.charAt(i)))) { 
      keyWordString += String.valueOf(word.charAt(i)); 

     Constructs a cipher object with a given key word. 
     @param aKey the encryption key 
    public CaesarCipher(String aKeyWord) 
     keyWordString = removeDuplicates(keyWordString); 
     keyWordString = aKeyWord; 
     //create the mapping string 
     //keyWordString = removeDuplicates(keyWordString); 
     int moreChar = 26 - keyWordString.length(); 
     char ch = 'Z'; 
     for(int j=0; j<moreChar; j++) 
     keyWordString += ch; 
     ch -= 1; 
     System.out.println("The mapping string is: " + keyWordString); 

     Encrypts the contents of a stream. 
     @param in the input stream 
     @param out the output stream 
    public void encryptStream(InputStream in, OutputStream out) 
     throws IOException 
     boolean done = false; 
     while (!done) 
     int next = in.read(); 
     if (next == -1) 
      done = true; 
      //int encrypted = encrypt(next); 
      int encrypted = encryptWordKey(next); 
      System.out.println((char)next + " is encrypted to " + (char)encrypted); 

     Encrypts a value. 
     @param b the value to encrypt (between 0 and 255) 
     @return the encrypted value 
    public int encryptWordKey(int b) 
     int pos = b % 65; 
     return keyWordString.charAt(pos); 


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException 
    at CaesarCipher.removeDuplicates(CaesarCipher.java:15) 
    at CaesarCipher.<init>(CaesarCipher.java:29) 
    at CaesarEncryptor.main(CaesarEncryptor.java:29) 

比方說,我進入JJJJJJJavvvvvaaaaaaa,我希望它產生Java和給我的加密代碼。爲了區別於已經問過的其他問題,我需要使用removeDuplicates方法來執行並輸出以打印JavaZYWW .....等。任何幫助或建議?我的幫助將不勝感激


提示:這樣的代碼對於執行TDD和JUnit/unittests是**完美**。你想要先寫好測試用例,明確指出你期望某種方法「輸出」;然後你編寫產品代碼以「實施」該測試用例。這允許您在某些代碼無法按預期工作時立即計算出來;而且您只需單擊一下即可運行失敗的測試用例的調試器。 – GhostCat


哦,我沒有意識到。但輸出結果應該是JavaZYXW ......等等。我嘗試使用removeDuplicates方法的不同位置的調試器,但它跳過它並沒有執行它。 – user3416645





private String keyWordString=""; 

他在構造函數 – alpert


不,構造函數調用'keyWordString = removeDuplicates(keyWordString);'但方法'removeDuplicates'確實使用變量。 –


我試過代碼編譯成功,但沒有執行removeDuplicates方法。 – user3416645