我相信DisplayDice方法將值分配給正確的圖像,所以我需要以某種方式將它分配給文本框?我是否認爲我不能將int分配給文本框,所以我需要使用int.Parse? 這是我的代碼;
public partial class Form1 : Form
// Attributes
// Values live for as long as the form is open
Random _rnd = new Random(); // Random number generator
string[] _diceImages; // store names of all image files
int[] _playerDice; // Dice values for each player
int _spinCount; // Count of number of animation ticks
const int NUMBER_OF_FACES = 6;
const int NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS = 2;
const int PLAYER_ONE = 0;
const int PLAYER_TWO = 1;
const int NUMBER_OF_SPINS = 5;
public Form1()
_diceImages = new string[NUMBER_OF_FACES]; // _diceImages is set to the value given to NUMBER_OF_FACES
// One die per player, create dice
_playerDice = new int[NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS]; // _playerDice is set to the value given to NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS
// sets the correct dice image to the relevant value in the array
// there are six faces on a die so the array needs six values, 0-5
private void SetupDiceImages()
_diceImages[0] = "one.gif";
_diceImages[1] = "two.gif";
_diceImages[2] = "three.gif";
_diceImages[3] = "four.gif";
_diceImages[4] = "five.gif";
_diceImages[5] = "six.gif";
// random number is generated to change the value displayed on the dice
private void ChangeDiceValue()
// Generate random values between 0 and 5
_playerDice[PLAYER_ONE] = RandomValue(NUMBER_OF_FACES - 1); //random number generated for player 1
_playerDice[PLAYER_TWO] = RandomValue(NUMBER_OF_FACES - 1); //random number generated for player 2
// tells the program which number to display
private void DisplayDice()
int diceValue;
diceValue = _playerDice[PLAYER_ONE]; // Value thrown by player one
playerDicePictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile("../../Images/" + _diceImages[diceValue]); // tells the program where to get the image for player 1's picture box
diceValue = _playerDice[PLAYER_TWO]; // Value thrown by player two
playerDicePictureBox2.Image = Image.FromFile("../../Images/" + _diceImages[diceValue]); // tells the program where to get the image for player 1's picture box
// Generate random value between 0 and maxValue
// including 0 and maxValue
private int RandomValue(int maxValue)
return _rnd.Next(0, maxValue + 1);
// animation starts when the button is clicked
private void throwDiceButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_spinCount = 0; // Start counting again
animationTimer.Enabled = true; // Start the timer
private void FindWinner()
// Check values of dice here
int player1Dice;
int player2Dice;
player1Dice = _playerDice[PLAYER_ONE] + 1; // 0 To 5 hence + 1
player2Dice = _playerDice[PLAYER_TWO] + 1;
private void animationTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_spinCount + 1 < NUMBER_OF_SPINS)
// Safe to implement the count
// Stop animation now
_spinCount = 0;
animationTimer.Enabled = false; // Stop the timer
// if statement is used to find a winner
if (_playerDice[PLAYER_ONE] > _playerDice[PLAYER_TWO]) // if player one's die is greater than player two's
resultTxtBox.Text = ("Player 1 WINS!!!"); // this message is displayed if the above is true
resultTxtBox.Text = ("Player 2 WINS!!!"); // if the above is false then this message is displayed
if (_playerDice[PLAYER_ONE] == _playerDice[PLAYER_TWO]) // player one and two have the same number
resultTxtBox.Text = ("It's a DRAW!!!"); // if the above is true then this message is displayed