我想在gnuplot中有一個透明的漸變背景。在我的腳本中,我有一些箭頭。但是,問題是,當我有背景時,箭頭不顯示。這裏是沒有背景的代碼:gnuplot trasparent漸變背景
set arrow from x1_l, 0 to x1_l, 1.0 nohead lc rgb 'red'
set arrow from x1_r, 0 to x1_r, 1.0 nohead lc rgb 'red'
plot "..\\Points.txt" using 1:2 t "Point" lc rgb "blue"
這裏是輸出: Plot without background
set table 'shadowkey.dat'
splot [xl:xh] [yl:yh] x/(xh-xl)
unset table
set arrow from x1_l, 0 to x1_l, 1.0 nohead lc rgb 'red'
set arrow from x1_r, 0 to x1_r, 1.0 nohead lc rgb 'red'
unset colorbox
set palette defined (0 "#8888ff", 1 "#ffffff")
plot [0.8:0.95] [0:1] 'shadowkey.dat' w ima, \
"\\Points.txt" using 1:2 t "Point" lc rgb "blue"
謝謝。可以請你回答大膽的問題 –
我需要漸變填充樣式。 –