2013-03-03 34 views



讓我們從底部開始,向上工作。我創建了一個名爲DataRow的類,它用作我的表格行的基類。類DataRow本身只有一個屬性Id(因爲所有行都需要一個)。這導致瞭如下定義:class DataRow { public int Id { get; set; } }


internal interface ITable<T> 
    where T : DataRow, new() 
    T Select(int id); 
    List<T> Select(List<int> ids); 
    int Insert(T t); 
    void Update(T t); 
    bool Delete(int id); 

public class Table<T> : ITable<T> 
    where T : DataRow, new() 
    // Commented out to protect you from a minor case of serious brain damage. 


public class Car : DataRow 
    public decimal ParkingTicketDebt { get; set; } 
    public DateTime WhenWifeWillAllowReplacement { get; set; } 
    public bool CanTransformIntoSomethingAwesome { get; set; } 

public class Cars : Table<Car> { 
    // Yep, that's all. You can go home now, folks. There's nothing here. Nothing at all. Especially not a great treasure of gold. Whops... I mean... there's really not. Not that I'm aware of, anyway... I mean, there could be. Not that I wouldn't say if I had any information on this great trasure of gold that might exist. But I know nothing of such an item. I really don't, so you can stop thinking about this great treasure of gold. Since I don't know anything about it, the chance that it even exist is extremely low. Miniscule. I mean, you would probably not find anything, not even if you digged for, like, a really long time. Seven years or something. Oookay. Slowly fading away... 



new Cars().Delete(3497); // Note that I have a great number of (expensive) cars. 




[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)] 
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] 
public int CreateEmptyRow(string tableName) 
    var tableType = Type.GetType(tableName); 
    if (tableType == null) 
     throw new TypeLoadException("Dumbass. That table doesn't exist"); 

    var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(tableType) as ITable<dynamic>; 
    if (instance == null) 
     throw new TypeLoadException("Idiot. That type isn't a table"); 

    return instance.Insert(new DataRow()); 


那麼這有什麼問題呢?那麼,它不會編譯,一個。這是錯誤:There is no implicit reference conversion from 'dynamic' to 'DataRow'。在Google上搜索了few results

問題明顯是Activator.CreateInstance(tableType) as ITable<dynamic>。我試過了Activator.CreateInstance(tableType) as ITable<Table<DataRow>>之類的東西,這個錯誤給了我一個錯誤:The type 'DataRow' must be convertible to 'DataRow'


關於改進我的解決方案的建議將獎勵...獎勵 – Simeon 2013-03-03 13:21:50


由於您已經知道您的Cars類實現了'ITable ',您是否需要將其轉換爲接口?你能否簡單地放棄'作爲ITable '?我發現這篇文章在過去非常有幫助:[如何使用反射檢查和實例化泛型](http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/b8ytshk6.aspx) – plasticide 2013-03-03 13:24:27


解決方案的變化最少,也許不是最快/最有效的,將反映你想要調用的方法(而不僅僅是你實例化的類型) – YavgenyP 2013-03-03 13:29:27




interface ITable 
    DataRow Select(int id); 
    IEnumerable<DataRow> Select(List<int> ids); 
    int Insert(DataRow t); 
    void Update(DataRow t); 

interface ITable<T> where T : DataRow, new() 
    T Select(int id); 
    List<T> Select(List<int> ids); 
    int Insert(T t); 
    void Update(T t); 
    bool Delete(int id); 

class Table<T> : ITable<T>, ITable where T : DataRow, new() 

    public T Select(int id) 
     return new T(); 

    public List<T> Select(List<int> ids) 
     return new List<T>(); 

    public int Insert(T t) 
     return 1; 

    public void Update(T t) 

    public bool Delete(int id) 
     return true; 

    DataRow ITable.Select(int id) 
     return this.Select(id); 

    IEnumerable<DataRow> ITable.Select(List<int> ids) 
     return this.Select(ids); 

    public int Insert(DataRow t) 
     return this.Insert(t); 

    public void Update(DataRow t) 

,這是如何實現的CreateEmptyRow \ Select方法IM:

 public static int CreateEmptyRow(string tableName) 
     var tableType = Type.GetType(tableName); 
     if (tableType == null) 
      throw new TypeLoadException("Dumbass. That table doesn't exist"); 

     var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(tableType) as ITable; 
     if (instance == null) 
      throw new TypeLoadException("Idiot. That type isn't a table"); 

     return instance.Insert(new DataRow()); 
    public static List<DataRow> Select(List<int> ids, string tableName) 
     var tableType = Type.GetType(tableName); 
     if (tableType == null) 
      throw new TypeLoadException("Dumbass. That table doesn't exist"); 

     var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(tableType) as ITable; 
     if (instance == null) 
      throw new TypeLoadException("Idiot. That type isn't a table"); 

     return instance.Select(ids).ToList(); 

通知,如果你想這樣一個通用的解決方案,選擇方法(例如)只能返回IEnumerable \的DataRowList,這

var myList = Select(null, "Cars").Cast<Car>(); 

注:可以使用所提供的Cast擴展方法來解決你可能知道,實例化Cars類的名字,你還需要提供namespac e,我在這裏跳過了,可能Table<T>類也應該是抽象的。


這不起作用,我必須創建一個額外的接口'IDataRow',因爲'DataRow'不能轉換爲'T'。但是我的最終解決方案最終與你的結果非常接近。非常感謝!我會發布我的最終解決方案,爲他人的個人樂趣 – Simeon 2013-03-04 19:13:36


酷,很高興我可以幫助:) – YavgenyP 2013-03-04 19:32:45




object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(tableType); 
var tableInterface = tableType.GetInterfaces().FirstOrDefault(it => it.IsGenericType && it.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ITable<>)); 
if(tableInterface == null) throw new ArgumentException("Type is not a table type"); 

var rowType = tableInterface.GetGenericArguments()[0]; 
var newRow = Activator.CreateInstance(rowType); 

MethodInfo insertMethod = tableInterface.GetMethod("Insert"); 
return (int)insertMethod.Invoke(instance, new object[] { newRow }); 


public int CreateEmptyRow<TTable, TRow>() 
    where TRow : DataRow, new() 
    where TTable : ITable<TRow>, new() 
    var table = new TTable(); 
    return table.Insert(new TRow()); 

對不起,我很困惑。這是一種Web服務方法。我會編輯我的問題! – Simeon 2013-03-03 13:42:56


這給了我一個'RuntimeBinderException'說'最好的重載方法匹配'表.Insert(Car)'有一些無效的參數'。在檢查'newRow'時,我可以看到它是'Car'的完美實例。有任何想法嗎? – Simeon 2013-03-03 13:53:24


@Simeon - 我改變了代碼來通過反射而不是使用動態調用'Insert'方法 - 是否解決了這個問題? – Lee 2013-03-03 14:01:53