2017-03-01 66 views

我一直在與此爭鬥一段時間,無法找到解釋。我試圖啓用審計規則目錄上的繼承。在這個例子中,我在c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.NEWINSTANCE上設置審計規則並傳播給所有的孩子。目錄c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.NEWINSTANCE\MSSQL\Backup通過繼承獲取審計規則,但Logs目錄沒有。下面是我使用,使繼承的代碼片段:PowerShell/C#SetAuditRuleProtection()在某些文件夾上不工作

$Path = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.NEWINSTANCE\MSSQL\Log" 

[System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Info = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.DirectoryInfo($Path) 

[System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity]$Acl = $Info.GetAccessControl() 

$Acl.SetAuditRuleProtection($false, $false) 


我已經嘗試了多種組合,包括Get-AclSet-Acl(Get-Item -Path $Path).GetAccessControl()等,看來我可以禁用繼承並刪除該規則,但不禁用繼承並保留現有規則(通過修改SetAuditRuleProtection的參數)。





Sets auditing on the file or folder. 

Implements a File System Audit Rule on the file or folder. 

.PARAMETER Path (Required) 
Specifies the file or folder on which to apply the audit rule. 

.PARAMETER Principal (Required) 
Specifies the NTAccount name. 

.PARAMETER Success (Optional, Required if "Failure" not present) 
Specifies to implement an audit rule for successes. 

.PARAMETER Failure (Optional, Required if "Success" not present) 
Specifies to implement an audit rule for failures. 

.PARAMETER Flags (Required) 
This is an array of two integers that indicate what to apply the audit rule to and what type of recursion should be used. 

Inheritance, Propagation: 
This folder only = 0,0 
This folder, subfolders and files = 3,0 
This folder and subfolders = 1,0 
This folder and files = 2,0 
Subfolders and files only = 3,2 
Subfolders only = 1,2 
Files only = 2,3 

function Set-Auditing { 
    Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Path, 
     [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Principal, 
     [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$false)] [ValidateSet("AppendData","ChangePermissions","CreateDirectories","CreateFiles","Delete","DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles","ExecuteFile","FullControl","ListDirectory","Modify","Read","ReadAndExecute","ReadAttributes","ReadData","ReadExtendedAttributes","ReadPermissions","Synchronize","TakeOwnership","Traverse","Write","WriteAttributes","WriteData","WriteExtendedAttributes")] [string[]]$Rights, 
     [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$false, ParameterSetName="Both")] 
     [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$false, ParameterSetName="Success")] [switch]$Success, 
     [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$false, ParameterSetName="Both")] 
     [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$false, ParameterSetName="Failure")] [switch]$Failure, 
     [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$false)] [int[]]$Flags) 

    Begin { 
    # Determine if audit rule exists 
    if ($Success.IsPresent) { $AuditFlags=1 } else { $AuditFlags=0 } 
    if ($Failure.IsPresent) { $AuditFlags+=2 } 

    # Inheritance Flags 
    # This folder only = 0 
    # This folder, subfolders and files = 3 
    # This folder and subfolders = 1 
    # This folder and files = 2 
    # Subfolders and files only = 3 
    # Subfolders only = 1 
    # Files only = 2 

    # Propagation Flags 
    # This folder only = 0 
    # This folder, subfolders and files = 0 
    # This folder and subfolders = 0 
    # This folder and files = 0 
    # Subfolders and files only = 2 
    # Subfolders only = 2 
    # Files only = 2 

    # File System Rights 
    $fsrAppendData     =0x000004 
    $fsrChangePermissions   =0x040000 
    $fsrCreateDirectories   =0x000004 
    $fsrCreateFiles     =0x000002 
    $fsrDelete      =0x010000 
    $fsrExecuteFile     =0x000020 
    $fsrFullControl     =0x1F01FF 
    $fsrListDirectory    =0x000001 
    $fsrModify      =0x0301BF 
    $fsrRead      =0x020089 
    $fsrReadAndExecute    =0x0200A9 
    $fsrReadAttributes    =0x000080 
    $fsrReadData     =0x000001 
    $fsrReadExtendedAttributes  =0x000008 
    $fsrReadPermissions    =0x020000 
    $fsrSynchronize     =0x100000 
    $fsrTakeOwnership    =0x080000 
    $fsrTraverse     =0x000020 
    $fsrWrite      =0x000116 
    $fsrWriteAttributes    =0x000100 
    $fsrWriteData     =0x000002 
    $fsrWriteExtendedAttributes  =0x000010 

    for ($i=0; $i -lt $Rights.Count; $i++) { 
    switch ($Rights[$i]) { 
     "AppendData"     { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrAppendData } 
     "ChangePermissions"   { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrChangePermissions } 
     "CreateDirectories"   { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrCreateDirectories } 
     "CreateFiles"     { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrCreateFiles } 
     "Delete"      { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrDelete } 
     "DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles" { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrDeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles } 
     "ExecuteFile"     { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrExecuteFile } 
     "FullControl"     { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrFullControl } 
     "ListDirectory"    { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrListDirectory } 
     "Modify"      { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrModify } 
     "Read"       { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrRead } 
     "ReadAndExecute"    { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrReadAndExecute } 
     "ReadAttributes"    { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrReadAttributes } 
     "ReadData"      { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrReadData } 
     "ReadExtendedAttributes"  { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrReadExtendedAttributes } 
     "ReadPermissions"    { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrReadPermissions } 
     "Synchronize"     { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrSynchronize } 
     "TakeOwnership"    { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrTakeOwnership } 
     "Traverse"      { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrTraverse } 
     "Write"      { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrWrite } 
     "WriteAttributes"    { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrWriteAttributes } 
     "WriteData"     { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrWriteData } 
     "WriteExtendedAttributes"  { $RightValues=$RightValues -bor $fsrWriteExtendedAttributes } 

    Write-Verbose "Acquiring object $($FS.FullName)" 
    $FS=Get-Item -Path $Path 
    $ACL=Get-Acl -Path $Path -Audit 
    for ($i=0; $i -lt $ACL.Audit.Count; $i++) { 
     if ($ACL.Audit[$i].IdentityReference.Value -eq $Principal) { 
     if ($ACL.Audit[$i].AuditFlags.value__ -eq $AuditFlags) { 
      if ($ACL.Audit[$i].PropagationFlags.value__ -eq $Flags[1]) { 
      if ($ACL.Audit[$i].InheritanceFlags.value__ -eq $Flags[0]) { 
       if ($ACL.Audit[$i].FileSystemRights.value__ -eq $RightValues) { $NothingToDo=$true; Write-Verbose "Nothing to do" } 

    Process { 
    if (!$NothingToDo) { 
     # There is one case where we will not propagage the rules. This is when $Flags = 0,0 
     if (($Flags[0] -eq 0) -and ($Flags[1] -eq 0)) { Write-Verbose "Flags = 0,0; no propagation necessary." } 
     else { 
     Write-Verbose "Setting Audit Rule" 
     if ($Principal.Contains("\")) { $NTAccount=New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount(($Principal.Split("\"))[0],($Principal.Split("\"))[1]) } 
     else { $NTAccount=New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($Principal) } 
     $FSAR=New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAuditRule($NTAccount,$RightValues,$Flags[0],$Flags[1],$AuditFlags) 
     $FAR=New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAuditRule($NTAccount,$RightValues,$AuditFlags) 
     $ACL.SetAuditRuleProtection($false, $true) 
     Write-Verbose "Applying rule to $($ACL.Path.Replace('Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::',''))" 

     # Now, ensure that all folders and files have inheritance enabled. 
     $FS=Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse 
     [email protected]($FS) 
     for ($i=0; $i -lt $FS.Count; $i++) { 
      Write-Verbose "Acquiring object $($FS[$i].FullName)" 
      $ACL=Get-Acl -Path $FS[$i].FullName -Audit 
      if (Test-Path $ACL.Path -PathType Leaf) { $ACL.AddAuditRule($FAR) } else { $ACL.AddAuditRule($FSAR) } 
      $ACL.SetAuditRuleProtection($false, $true) 
      Write-Verbose "Applying rule to $($ACL.Path.Replace('Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::',''))" 
      if (Test-Path $ACL.Path -PathType Leaf) { $ACL.RemoveAuditRule($FAR) > $null } else { $ACL.RemoveAuditRule($FSAR) > $null } 
      Write-Verbose "Removing extra rule from $($ACL.Path)" 
    else { Write-Verbose "Nothing to do." } 