我的聯繫表格不起作用。郵件不會發送到給定的電子郵件地址。 表格成功但電子郵件未送達。另一個問題有另一個代碼使用if標籤,這不適用於我的腳本。PHP聯繫表不提供郵件
<form class="form" id="form1" action="mail.php" method="post">
<p class="name">
<input name="name" type="text" class="validate[required,custom[onlyLetter],length[0,100]] feedback-input" placeholder="NAME" id="name" />
<p class="email">
<input name="email" type="text" class="validate[required,custom[email]] feedback-input" id="email" placeholder="E-MAIL" />
<p class="text">
<textarea name="text" class="validate[required,length[6,300]] feedback-input" id="comment" placeholder="WHAT'S UP?"></textarea>
<div class="submit">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="SEND" id="button-blue"/>
<div class="ease"></div>
// We create a variable for name value
$name = $_POST['name'];
// We create a variable for email value
$email = $_POST['email'];
// We create a variable for message value
$message = $_POST['text'];
// We provide an e-mail address from which the email is sent
$from = "[email protected]";
// Provide the e-mail address on which you want to receive messages
$to = "[email protected]";
// Provide the subject of the e-mail
$subject = "Contact form from xyz.com";
// We prepare the message body
$emailbody = "";
$emailbody .= "Message: " . $message . "\n";
// We add UTF-8 to the header of our message
$header = "";
$header .= "From:" . $from . " \n";
$header .= "Content-Type:text/plain;charset=utf-8";
// Sending message
$success = mail($subject, $emailbody, $header);
// Redirect after sending the message
if ($success){
print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=de/confirmation_signup.html\">";
print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=de/error.html\">";
我fullfilled郵件功能巫婆$到,但它並沒有爲我工作,沒有電子郵件進來我找不到問題。 :( –