2012-01-17 193 views

我想在我的本地計算機上安裝mongodb。我有Windows 7和64位。我下面這是在蒙戈的網站上給出的這些指示:Mongodb Windows安裝失敗

64-bit binaries: 

Download and extract the 64-bit .zip. 

Unzip the downloaded binary package to the location of your choice. You may want to 
rename mongo-xxxxxxx to just "mongo" for convenience. 

Create a data directory: 

By default MongoDB will store data in \data\db, but it won't 
automatically create that folder, so we do so here: 

    C:\> mkdir \data 
    C:\> mkdir \data\db 

Or you can do this from the Windows Explorer, of course. 

If you prefer to place datafiles elsewhere, use the --dbpath command line parameter 
when starting mongod.exe. Run and connect to the server 

The important binaries for a first run are: 

    mongod.exe - the database server. Try mongod --help to see startup options. 
    mongo.exe - the administrative shell 

To run the database, click mongod.exe in Explorer, or run it from a CMD window. 

    C:\> cd \mongodb\bin 
    C:\mongodb\bin> mongod 

Note: It is also possible to run the server as a Windows Service. But we can do that 


'C:\' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch 

我不知道是怎麼回事錯了,我也跟着方向究竟。我將我的C盤上的zip文件解壓爲mongodb。然後我創建了我的C盤上的文件夾數據和數據文件夾內的文件夾數據庫。我開始Windows cmd行,並按照他們的建議,我得到上述錯誤。任何人都可以請幫忙。謝謝。





cd \mongodb\bin



你可能想用這個PowerShell會在dowloads MongoDB中,並將其安裝Windows服務... https://gist.github.com/serdarb/5102848


任何想法如何做到這一點作爲一個Windows安裝程序項目的一部分?我試圖做類似的事情,但作爲Windows安裝程序項目的一部分。我們在VS2010中有一個Silverlight項目,它有一個自定義動作的web安裝項目,但現在我們需要在安裝過程中包含mongodb。試用和錯誤和谷歌搜索尚未產生任何結果。有任何想法嗎? – 2014-03-28 16:06:49


visual studio(2010)安裝程序項目 – 2014-03-28 16:23:17


我對安裝項目沒有太多經驗,但也許你可以在一個步驟中運行ps1文件? http://0ptikghost.blogspot.co.uk/2011/03/executing-powershell-scripts-silently.html – Serdar 2014-03-31 11:00:48