Checking Android SDK Configuration.
Emulator found: emulator-5554
Generating Exporting Packages for Android profile:"Default"
Pages, JavaScripts files are preparing
Project resources are preparing
Datasets are preparing
Installation packages are creating
Installing Emulator...
Application could not install to emulator-5554
Error Message : pkg: /sdcard/SmartfaceEmulator.apkFailure [INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_URI]
Please refer to Troubleshooting document!
An error occured on launch! Please launch Smartface Emulator manually on your Android device.
Please refer to Troubleshooting document!
我在全新的Windows 10企業版已安裝的所有Smartface App Studio
prerequest由Smartface安裝程序安裝。 你的建議是非常appriciated!