<%= form_tag(wizard2_path, :method => :post, :multipart => true, :id => "form_wizard") do -%>
<legend>Select your bill file</legend>
<!-- TODO: include a preview of the bill - zurb foundation supports this-->
<input id="bill" name="bill" type="file" />
<!-- TODO: automatically import once selected? -->
<!-- TODO: display right page after, original content
<input id="upload_bill" name="commit" type="submit" value="Upload bill" />| <a href="" onclick="$('#no_bill').show();$('#first_bill').hide();">Cancel</a>
<div class="large-2 columns" >
<!-- TODO: make the browse button the zurb class type -->
<%#= link_to "Upload", "#", :onclick => "changeWizard('upload');", :id => "upload_btn1", :class => "button postfix"%>
<%= button_tag "Upload", :id => "upload_btn1", :class => "button postfix", :onclick=>"bill_upload_validation();" %>
<% end %>
,如果我錯了,請告訴我? 謝謝
謝謝你,解決我的問題 – tardjo