更新:@Blackhawk與資料片,我需要回答的問題提供了我 - 滾動到底部的工作方案。VBA的SendKeys環路打印選項
Sub A00_Sendkeystest()
Application.Wait (Now() + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
Application.SendKeys ("%p"), True 'Selects Page Layout
Application.SendKeys ("%i"), True 'Selects Print Titles
Application.SendKeys ("%o"), True 'Selects Options
Application.SendKeys ("%f"), True 'Selects profile
Application.SendKeys ("l"), True 'Selects 'Landscape' default (this needs to be set up initially)
Application.SendKeys "{TAB 14}", True 'Tabs to OK
Application.SendKeys "~", True 'Hits enter to close screen
Application.SendKeys "{TAB 11}", True 'Tabs to OK
Application.SendKeys "~", True 'Hits enter to close screen
End Sub
Sub cycle()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
'Application.Wait (Now() + TimeValue("00:00:10"))
Application.SendKeys ("%p") ', True 'Selects Page Layout
Application.SendKeys ("%i") ', True 'Selects Print Titles
Application.SendKeys ("%o") ', True 'Selects Options
Application.SendKeys ("%f") ', True 'Selects profile
Application.SendKeys ("l") ', True 'Selects 'Landscape' default (this needs to be set up initially)
Application.SendKeys "{TAB 14}" ', True 'Tabs to OK
Application.SendKeys "~" ', True 'Hits enter to close screen
Application.SendKeys "{TAB 11}" ', True 'Tabs to OK
Application.SendKeys "~" ', True 'Hits enter to close screen
Application.Wait (Now() + TimeValue("00:00:03"))
End Sub
然而,看宏觀運行時,它週期,然後就像宏結束它似乎試圖執行的SendKeys第4次(不:我已經試過以下當然工作)。我試過建立一個延遲,但它實際上就像application.sendkeys代碼的一部分只是在宏結束之前執行。我正在使用Windows 7的Office 2010,但是如何讓這個工作(或任何其他想法!)的任何建議將不勝感激。
Sub cycle()
'Macro will cycle through selected sheets and select landscape_printing profile in print options.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
Application.SendKeys ("%p"), True 'Selects Page Layout
Application.SendKeys ("%i"), True 'Selects Print Titles
Application.SendKeys ("%o"), True 'Selects Options
Application.SendKeys ("%f"), True 'Selects profile
Application.SendKeys ("l"), True 'Selects 'Landscape' default (this needs to be set up initially)
Application.SendKeys "{TAB 14}", True 'Tabs to OK
Application.Wait (Now() + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
Application.SendKeys "~", True 'Hits enter to close screen
Application.Wait (Now() + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
Application.SendKeys "~", True 'Hits enter to close screen
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox "Completed."
End Sub
此外,前兩個sendkeys行可以被這一行替換'Application.CommandBars.ExecuteMso(「PrintTitles」)' –
@SiddharthRout感謝您的這一點,我可以看到它的作品,但由於某種原因,當使用這個休息我的宏沒有按照我想要的方式運行,所以我現在就把它離開了。 – bawpie