2015-12-03 37 views


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     <title>Event Lander</title> 
     <!--Blue Header--> 
     <div class="header-rectangle"> 
     \t <h1 class="whiteheadline">Join Us for a Free Webinar!</h1> 
     <!--Header image and form--> 
     <div id="header-bg" align="center"> 
     \t <div id="cta-rectangle"> 
    \t  \t \t <h1>Hello!</h1> 
    \t </div> 
     <div class="hero"> 
     \t <h1 class="hero-quote">「I can’t thank you enough for your coaching and support. My business has never been more profitable or easier to manage. Thank you!」 <br> -Jim Smith</h1> 
     <!--Section for content--> 
     <section class = "body-container"> 
     \t <div class="container"> 
     \t \t <div class="row"> 
     \t \t  \t \t <div class="col-md-4"> 
    \t \t  \t \t  \t \t <img class="img-responsive" src="img/jane.png" /> 
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    \t \t \t \t  \t \t <div class="text-container-1"> 
    \t \t  \t \t  \t \t \t <h1>Hello! My Name is Jane Smith!</h1><br><br> 
    \t \t \t \t \t \t \t <p>I’m an experienced and certified AdWords professional. I lead a monthly mastermind group of like-minded business owners and consultants. We use webinars to teach the principals of campaign development, including keyword research, split-testing, tracking, reporting and optimization.</p><br> 
    \t \t \t \t \t \t \t <p>Going it alone is rough and boring. We lead these webinars as a free training and networking opportunity to help like-minded individuals achieve sucess in their busineses and see results like never before.</p><br> 
    \t \t \t \t \t \t \t <p>Not only does this give me the opportunity to teach, it also gives me the opportunity to learn by hearing your story, learning about your business and helping share amazing ideas with fellow entrepreneurs.</p><br> 
    \t \t \t \t \t \t </div> 
    \t \t  \t \t </div> 
     <!--Checkboxes and lower page content--> 
     <section class="checkmarks"> 
     \t <div class="check-mark-header" align="center"> 
     \t  \t \t <h1>Ready to Get Started? Here's What's Included</h1> 
     \t \t \t 
     \t </div> 
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還有其他問題需要解決,但基本思路是將:after箭頭設置爲left: 50%,使其居中在頁面上,然後使用負邊距將寬度向後移一位。這是變化。

.hero {  

.hero:after { 
    left: 50%; 
    margin-left: -25px; 





<div class="container"> 
      <!--Blue Header--> 
    <div class="header-rectangle"> 
     <h1 class="whiteheadline">Join Us for a Free Webinar!</h1> 
    <!--Header image and form--> 
    <div id="header-bg" align="center"> 
     <div id="cta-rectangle"> 

     <div class="hero"> 
      <h1 class="hero-quote">「I can’t thank you enough for your coaching and support. My business has never been more profitable or easier to manage. Thank you!」 <br> -Jim Smith</h1> 

    <!--Section for content--> 
    <section class="body-container"> 
     <div class="container"> 
      <div class="row"> 
       <div class="col-md-4"> 
        <img class="img-responsive" src="img/jane.png" /> 
       <div class="col-md-8"> 
        <div class="text-container-1"> 
         <h1>Hello! My Name is Jane Smith!</h1><br><br> 
         <p>I’m an experienced and certified AdWords professional. I lead a monthly mastermind group of like-minded business owners and consultants. We use webinars to teach the principals of campaign development, including keyword research, split-testing, tracking, reporting and optimization.</p><br> 
         <p>Going it alone is rough and boring. We lead these webinars as a free training and networking opportunity to help like-minded individuals achieve sucess in their busineses and see results like never before.</p><br> 
         <p>Not only does this give me the opportunity to teach, it also gives me the opportunity to learn by hearing your story, learning about your business and helping share amazing ideas with fellow entrepreneurs.</p><br> 

    <!--Checkboxes and lower page content--> 
    <section class="checkmarks"> 
     <div class="check-mark-header" align="center"> 
      <h1>Ready to Get Started? Here's What's Included</h1> 



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/*Hero separator and testimonial text*/ 

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    margin: 0 auto; 


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好了,問題是我想爲整個頁面中的最大寬度,所以這是行不通的。它使它成爲一個全寬頁面,這不是我想要的。 –


你可以修改它在具有上述預定寬度的身體中嗎? –


你正在使用引導程序,並在'container'類中包裝東西將把它包含到斷點大小。 http://getbootstrap.com/css/#overview-container –