- I have a bot machine (controlled via mobile device) which connects to the Server and fetch information from it by method os "ssh, shell script, os commands,sql queries etc" than it feed that information over the internet (private)
- I want to disallow this multiple connection to the server via the bot machine ONLY.. there are other machine which connects to the server which must not be affected
Client A from his mobile acess bot machine (via webpage) than the bot machine connect to server (1st session) now if the process of this connection is 5 minute during this period the bot machine will be creating, quering, deleting, appending, updating etc
in the very mean time of that 5 minute duration (suppose 2min after the 1st session started) Client B from his mobile access bot machine (via webpage) than the bot machine connect to server (2nd session) now it will conflict with the 1st session and create Havoc...
- Now first of all i do not want to editing any setting on the SERVER ANY WHAT SO EVER
- I do not want to edit the webpage/mobile etc
- I already know abt the lock file method of parallel shell script and it is implemented at script level but what abt the OS commands and stuff like that which are not in bash script
沒有什麼神奇的「操作系統命令和類似的東西」,可以實現你想要做的事情。鎖文件似乎是最明顯和最簡單的事情 – Vorsprung 2014-10-01 08:11:39
因此,簡而言之,你是說在SSH會話連接之後檢查鎖文件?因爲它是爲了避免並行運行相同的Shell Shell腳本?即使如此,我的下一個問題將是如何判斷前一個會話是否被絞死或需要很長時間等等。不知道下一個連接(在掛起的會話之後)將看到鎖定文件並且將無法連接到所有連接。 ..如何處理這個問題? – user1486241 2014-10-01 08:30:44
另外你讓我錯了在限制點三我提到我知道abt鎖定方法,並解釋它..但我不想在這裏使用鎖定方法,就像他們在shell腳本..所以我想知道替代方法..當它是一個geniune問題時爲什麼-1點?還請檢查我以前的評論爲下一個問題。 – user1486241 2014-10-01 09:27:55