- 用戶;用戶名&禁用屬性;用戶has_one:個人資料
- 個人資料;全名&隱藏屬性
我想創建一個名爲_scope消除殘疾= 1和隱藏= 1用戶配置文件。 User模型通常與Profile模型一起使用,因此我試圖加載Profile模型(:include =>:profile)。
named_scope :visible, {
:joins => "INNER JOIN profiles ON users.id=profiles.user_id",
:conditions => ["users.disabled = ? AND profiles.hidden = ?", false, false]
變形例1 - 用戶模型只:
# UserController
@users = User.find(:all)
# User's Index view
<% for user in @users %>
<p><%= user.username %></p>
<% end %>
# generates a single query:
SELECT * FROM `users`
變形例2 - 用剖面模型在圖;延遲加載剖面模型
# UserController
@users = User.find(:all)
# User's Index view
<% for user in @users %>
<p><%= user.username %></p>
<p><%= user.profile.full_name %></p>
<% end %>
# generates multiple queries:
SELECT * FROM `profiles` WHERE (`profiles`.user_id = 1) ORDER BY full_name ASC LIMIT 1
SELECT * FROM `profiles` WHERE (`profiles`.user_id = 2) ORDER BY full_name ASC LIMIT 1
SELECT * FROM `profiles` WHERE (`profiles`.user_id = 3) ORDER BY full_name ASC LIMIT 1
SELECT * FROM `profiles` WHERE (`profiles`.user_id = 4) ORDER BY full_name ASC LIMIT 1
SELECT * FROM `profiles` WHERE (`profiles`.user_id = 5) ORDER BY full_name ASC LIMIT 1
SELECT * FROM `profiles` WHERE (`profiles`.user_id = 6) ORDER BY full_name ASC LIMIT 1
變形例3 - 急於負載資料模型
# UserController
@users = User.find(:all, :include => :profile)
#view; no changes
# two queries
SELECT * FROM `users`
SELECT `profiles`.* FROM `profiles` WHERE (`profiles`.user_id IN (1,2,3,4,5,6))
變形例4 - 使用name_scope,包括急切裝載指令
@users = User.visible(:include => :profile)
#view; no changes
# generates multiple queries
SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` INNER JOIN profiles ON users.id=profiles.user_id WHERE (users.disabled = 0 AND profiles.hidden = 0)
SELECT * FROM `profiles` WHERE (`profiles`.user_id = 1) ORDER BY full_name ASC LIMIT 1
SELECT * FROM `profiles` WHERE (`profiles`.user_id = 2) ORDER BY full_name ASC LIMIT 1
SELECT * FROM `profiles` WHERE (`profiles`.user_id = 3) ORDER BY full_name ASC LIMIT 1
SELECT * FROM `profiles` WHERE (`profiles`.user_id = 4) ORDER BY full_name ASC LIMIT 1
Rails 3能夠更好地處理這種情況嗎?
確定。我可以將隱藏屬性移動到用戶模型中,以完全避免這種情況,但最好爲此類情況找到另一種方法。你能想到一個嗎? – craig 2010-06-14 02:14:33
您可以創建另一個關聯:「用戶has_one:visible_profile」。然後你調用@ user.visible(:include =>:visible_profile),當'visible'是隻有這個條件的named_scope時:'[「disabled =?」,false]'。這就像'railsapi.com'上的例子。 – 2010-06-14 11:49:18
@j:我添加了一個關聯到用戶模型 - has_one:visible_profile,:class_name =>'Profile',:conditions => [「profiles.hidden =?」,false]。更改了用戶模型的named_scope --name_scope:visible,{ :conditions => [「disabled =?」,false] } UserController的索引操作已更改 - @users = User.visible(:all,:include =>:visible_profile) 。重新啓動服務器。延遲加載仍在發生。 Profile-model過濾器被忽略。思考? – craig 2010-06-14 13:14:30