# Thomas P. Taggart
# ERE445/645
# Spring 2013 - Calibration Presentation
# Lumped parameter rainfall-runoff model for the Susquehanna River at Conklin, NY.
# Outlined in Haith's (1987) GWLF model. The model uses the SCS curve
# number runoff technique to determine runoff, with snowpack, unsaturated zone, and
# saturated zone mass balances. Evapotranspiration is to be determined using Hamon’s
# method with average monthly values for daylight hours.
# In this model we assume the following constants, which are determined through calibration:
# Baseflow Recession Coefficient, Kb
# Field capacity, FCAP
# Curve number for average moisture conditions, CN2
# Initial antecedent moisture conditions, iAMC
# Initial snow accumulation, iSNt
# Initial saturated zone storage, iSATt
# No deep groundwater seepage
# including needed functions
# USGS Discharge data for Conklin, NY - Gage on the Susquehanna
# Reading in the input file
dischargeInput <- read.csv("USGS_DailyDischarge_ConklinNY_01503000_A.csv", header=TRUE)
# Weather Data
# Read in input file
weatherInput = read.csv("Conklin_NY_WeatherData_Edit.csv")
# Setting up the model inputs - inital Run
# Baseflow Recession, Kb
Kb <- 0.90
# Initial unsaturated storage is at field capacity, FCAP (cm)
FCAP <- 10
# Curve number for average moisture conditions, CN
CN <- 65.7
# Initial antecedent moisture conditions, AMC
AMC <- 1.5
# Initial saturated zone storage, SATt
iSATt <- 0.45
# Snowmelt constant, K
K <- 0.45
parameters <- c(Kb, FCAP,CN, AMC, iSATt, K)
# Calling the Model - 1st time to see the initial outputs
# GWLF(parameters, dischargeInput, weatherInput)
# Calibrating the model
guess <- c("Kb"=0.1, "FCAP"=1,"CN"=50, "AMC"=0, "iSATt"=0, "K"=0.5)
out <- nls.lm(par = guess, fn = GWLF(parameters, dischargeInput, weatherInput))
Error in function (par) : could not find function "fn"
如何需要設置標準?或者我在nls.lm中調用的函數中的第一個參數? 該GWLF功能被傳遞被用作在功能常量6個參數。這些是我希望校準的6個參數。
感謝, 湯姆
MNEL,哇!我只是在幾分鐘前纔開始工作,而這正是我如何工作。究竟。我知道面臨的問題是,爲什麼我的迭代在第二次後停止(甚至認爲圖的數量表明它應該高於兩次迭代),以及爲什麼最終的par輸出與初始值沒有任何不同猜測值。 – traggatmot
@traggatmot,那將是難以協助,除非你能提供一個可重複的例子 – mnel