import java.util.*;
* Defines the attributes and behaviors common to all SeaCreatures in order to participate
* in the SeaCreature simulation.
* Each SeaCreature is represented by a char.
* Each SeaCreature can answer back its char when asked.
* Each SeaCreature can answer its next move, NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST.
public abstract class SeaCreature {
private char ch;
/** defined constant to facilitate random movement*/
public static final Random rand = new Random();
/** defined constant to move one unit NORTH */
public static final int NORTH = 0;
/** defined constant to move one unit SOUTH */
public static final int SOUTH = 1;
/** defined constant to move one unit EAST */
public static final int EAST = 2;
/** defined constant to move one unit WEST */
public static final int WEST = 3;
* Construct a SeaCreature object with the given character representation
* @param c the character for this SeaCreature
public SeaCreature (char c){
ch = c;
* Answers back the character representation for this SeaCreature
* @return this SeaCreature's initial
public char getChar(){
return ch;
/** Answers back the next move for this SeaCreature.
* Must be overridden by subclasses
* @return NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, or WEST
public abstract int getMove();
* Defines the attributes and behaviors specific to SeaLions in order to participate
* in the SeaCreature simulation.
* @author Justin Ashburn
* @version 6/5/2011
public class SeaLion extends SeaCreature {
/** defined char to represent a SeaLion*/
private static final char SEALION = 'L';
/** defined steps before SeaLion cycle repeats*/
private static final int CYCLE_LENGTH = 3;
/** defined steps before SeaLion's first direction*/
private static final int DIRECTION_ONE_LENGTH = 2;
private int directionOne;
private int count;
* Construct a SeaLion object with the given character representation
public SeaLion(){
// establishes an initial direction
directionOne = rand.nextInt(4);
count = 0;
/** Moves like the 'Knight' chess piece. ie. Picks a random direction, moves 2 times
* in that direction, and then randomly chooses a direction perpendicular to the first
* and moves in that direction once.
* @return 0, 1, 2, or 3
public int getMove() {
int direction;
int directionTwo;
// continues with direction one for the appropriate length
count ++;
direction = directionOne;
// if directionOne was east or west chooses a new north or south direction for last move
else if (count < CYCLE_LENGTH && directionOne > 1) {
directionTwo = rand.nextInt(2);
direction = directionTwo;
// resets count and establishes new direction in next cycle
count = 0;
directionOne = rand.nextInt(4);
// if directionOne was north or south chooses a new east or west direction for last move
else {
directionTwo = rand.nextInt(2) + 2;
direction = directionTwo;
// resets count and establishes new direction in next cycle
count = 0;
directionOne = rand.nextInt(4);
return direction;
我不明白這與繼承有什麼關係,除了'extends'關鍵字的存在。 – 2011-06-07 04:22:47
SeaLion延伸SeaCreature。這是繼承。 – Nik 2011-06-07 04:23:40
我看不到你在代碼中使用'const'的地方。是的,你使用的是int值,但不是const。我*認爲*這就是要求所要求的。在這種特殊情況下沒有太多價值,因爲這是一個簡單的概念。但是你的下一個項目可能是那些'常量不那麼簡單 - 也許他們是字符串 - 你怎麼做到隨機1-4?在這種情況下,你應該很容易編寫一個GetRandomDirection()方法,該方法返回一個INT,並且可以從const中隨機選取? – Prescott 2011-06-07 04:35:15