我正在努力解決我在進行客戶端XSL轉換時只遇到Internet Explorer 10和11的問題。我的目標是轉換給定的XML字符串,其中包含HTML標記<pre>...</pre>
,以便準備格式化輸出。 (btw:即使將它們包裝到CDATA容器中也是如此),甚至更令人困惑的是,在轉換後,輸出包含其他cr/t字符, lfs在任意位置。IE10 + 11:XSLT轉換將任意CR/LF添加到XML中
這僅發生在IE 10/11中。沒有這樣的問題與Chrome或Firefox,既沒有Edge!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Test maker</title>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var xml = "<Actions><action><html><body><pre xml:space=\"preserve\">"
\t + "\nThis line is not split and it ends with a dedicated cr-lf.\n"
+ "This is a new line. It also continues until the full-stop, then has a cr-lf.\n"
\t + "This is the third and therewith the last line.\n</pre></body></html></action></Actions>"; \t
\t \t
var xsl = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
\t + "<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform\" version=\"1.0\">"
\t + "<xsl:preserve-space elements=\"*\"/>"
+ "<xsl:template match=\"/\"><Actions><xsl:for-each select=\"//action\"><action><description><xsl:apply-templates select=\"html/*\" />"
+ "</description></action></xsl:for-each></Actions></xsl:template><xsl:template match=\"html//pre\"><xsl:text><code></xsl:text>"
\t + "<xsl:apply-templates select=\"node()\"/><xsl:text></code></xsl:text></xsl:template>"
\t + "<xsl:template match=\"text()\"><xsl:value-of select=\".\"/></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>";
function applyAdapterRule(odtaDocument, ruleData, alt) {
\t if (odtaDocument && ruleData) {
var result = null;
\t if (window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window) { \t \t \t \t // IE
\t //IE9 won't recognize the proper codepage
odtaDocument.charset = "UTF-8";
odtaDocument.characterSet = "UTF-8";
\t \t odtaDocument.preserveWhiteSpace = true;
\t \t switch(alt) {
\t \t case 1:
var srcTree = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0");
\t \t srcTree.async=false;
\t \t srcTree.preserveWhiteSpace = true;
\t \t srcTree.load(odtaDocument);
\t \t var xslDoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0");
\t \t xslDoc.async = false;
\t \t xslDoc.preserveWhiteSpace = true;
\t \t xslDoc.load(ruleData);
\t \t return srcTree.transformNode(xslDoc);
\t \t case 2: \t
\t \t var xslt = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XSLTemplate.6.0");
\t \t var xslDoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument.6.0");
\t \t xslDoc.async = false;
\t \t xslDoc.preserveWhiteSpace = true;
\t \t xslDoc.load(ruleData);
\t \t xslt.stylesheet = xslDoc;
\t \t var xslProc = xslt.createProcessor();
\t \t xslProc.input = odtaDocument;
\t \t xslProc.transform();
\t \t return xslProc.output;
\t \t }
\t \t \t \t
} else if (document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument) { \t // Chrome, Mozilla
xsltProcessor = new XSLTProcessor();
resultDocument = xsltProcessor.transformToDocument(odtaDocument);
return resultDocument;
\t }
\t \t
function do_it(alternative) {
var rule = $.parseXML(xsl);
\t var new_xml = "";
var tempDoc = $.parseXML(xml);
// \t tempDoc.preserveWhiteSpace = true;
tempDoc = applyAdapterRule(tempDoc, rule, alternative);
if (typeof tempDoc === "string") {
new_xml = tempDoc; \t \t \t \t \t \t // IE
} else {
new_xml = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(tempDoc); \t // Chrome, Mozilla
\t $("#out").replaceWith("<pre>"+new_xml+"</pre>");
<button onclick="javascript:do_it(1);">Test 1</button>
<button onclick="javascript:do_it(2);">Test 2</button>
<div><div id="out">See what happens...</div></div>
...要在IE中運行腳本(這是這裏的問題),可能需要將代碼複製並粘貼到本地HTML文件中,並用IE打開它。我只注意到,僅僅使用[run code snippet] -button時,ActiveX對象不會正確實例化。 –
請編輯您的問題並解釋並在代碼片段中顯示您期望從XSLT轉換中獲得的結果。我不確定你在尋找什麼,並且將瀏覽器的XML解析和序列化的API與通過JQuery的附加解析和序列化混合在一起,這使得很難理解問題是什麼以及它來自哪裏。一個簡單的測試用例使用IE的MSXML API,然後在http://home.arcor.de/martin.honnen/xslt/test2016051201.html的HTML文檔的文本節點中簡單地輸出transformNode結果並不會顯示任何問題我可以說。 –
我試圖擴展以前的測試,以支持'XSLTProcessor'的瀏覽器,現在我有http://home.arcor.de/martin.honnen/xslt/test2016051202.html,據我可以告訴結果在IE 11和Firefox 46的空白區域以及Windows 10的Edge上是相同的。 –