2011-05-31 69 views

我想創建一個flexibg圖像,但它不工作。Javascript flexy背景圖片不工作

我按照這個指南:http://kimili.com/journal/flexible-scalable-background-image 你可以看到這裏的問題: http://mobilhimlen.dk/


var flexiBackground = function(){ 

    Define the size of our background image 
var bgImageSize = { 
    width : 1050, 
    height : 800 

    Declare and define variables 
var $window, 
    imageID = "expando", 
    tallClass = 'tall', 
    wideClass = 'wide', 
    $bgImage, $wrapper, img, url, imgAR; 

    Are we dealing with ie6? 
var ie6 = ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) <= 6); 

    Set up the action that happens on resize 
var resizeAction = function() { 
    var win = { 
     height : $window.height(), 
     width : $window.width() 

    // The current aspect ratio of the window 
    var winAR = win.width/win.height; 

    // Determine if we need to show the image and whether it needs to stretch tall or wide 
    if (win.width < bgImageSize.width && win.height < bgImageSize.height) { 
    } else if ((win.w < bgImageSize.width && win.height >= bgImageSize.height) || (winAR < imgAR)) { 
     // Center the image 
     $bgImage.css('left', Math.min(((win.width - bgImageSize.width)/2), 0)); 
    } else if (win.width >= bgImageSize.width) { 
     $bgImage.css('left', 0); 

    // Need to fix the height of the wrapper for IE6 
    if (ie6) { 
     $wrapper.css('height', win.height); 

return { 

     Sets up the basic functionality 
    initialize : function() { 

     // No need for any of this if the screen isn't bigger than the background image 
     if (screen.availWidth <= bgImageSize.width || screen.availHeight <= bgImageSize.height) { 

     // Grab elements we'll reference throughout 
     $window = $(window); 
     $body = $('body'); 

     // Parse out the URL of the background image and drop out if we don't have one 
     url = $body.css('background-image').replace(/^url\(("|')?|("|')?\);?$/g, '') || false; 
     if (!url || url === "none" || url === "") { 

     // Get the aspect ratio of the image 
     imgAR = bgImageSize.width/bgImageSize.height; 

     // Create a new image element 
     $bgImage = $('<img />') 
        .attr('src', url) 
        .attr('id', imageID); 

     // Create a wrapper and append the image to it. 
     // The wrapper ensures we don't get scrollbars. 
     $wrapper = $('<div></div>') 
          'overflow' : 'hidden', 
          'width' : '100%', 
          'height' : '100%', 
          'z-index' : '-1' 

     // IE6 Doesn't do position: fixed, so let's fake it out. 
     // We'll apply a class which gets used in the CSS to emulate position: fixed 
     // Otherwise, we'll simply used position: fixed. 
     if (ie6) { 
     } else { 
       'position' : 'fixed', 
       'top' : 0, 
       'left' : 0 

     // Set up a resize listener to add/remove classes from the body 
     $window.bind('resize', resizeAction); 

     // Set it up by triggering a resize 



<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript"> 
        $(document).ready(function() { 

         // simple example, using all default options 
         $('div.expandable').expander({slicePoint:  0}); 

          <style type="text/css" media="screen"> 
        body { 
          padding: 0; 
          margin: 0; 
          background-position: top center; 
          background-repeat: no-repeat; 
          background-attachment: fixed; 

        img#expando { 
          position: absolute; 
          display: none; 
          z-index: 1; 
          -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic; 

        .wide img#expando, 
        .tall img#expando { 
          display: block; 

        .wide img#expando { 
          width: 100%; 
          height: auto; 

        .tall img#expando { 
          width: auto; 
          height: 100%; 

        .ie6fixed { 
          position: absolute; 
          top: expression((ignoreMe = document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop) + 'px') !important; 


    </script><script type="text/javascript"> 

     var border = RUZEE.ShadedBorder.create({ corner:8, shadow:16, border:2 }); 



<script src="flexibg.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> 

這是一個非常多的代碼,你甚至都不知道問題是什麼;你的頁面對我來說看起來很好。 – Pointy 2011-05-31 14:49:20


同樣在這裏,頁面似乎工作正常。 – Exelian 2011-05-31 14:52:17


我正在使用firefox 4.圖像沒有伸展。你們有沒有人知道如何簡化代碼? – 2011-05-31 15:02:57


