2012-02-17 67 views

我如何顯示/隱藏功能添加到一個div並使其點擊一個鏈接什麼時候問過的問題。 (The original question) 我收到了一個答案,一起使用jQuery和ajax來做到這一點。這裏是我收到的代碼:如何實現AJAX和jQuery到HTML

function unhide(){ 
     url: 'http://api.microsofttranslator.com..', // your url to microsoft translator 
     success: function(data) { 


<script type="text/javascript"> 
function unhide(){ 
     url: 'api.microsofttranslator.com/V2/Ajax.svc/Translate?appId=SOMETHING&from=en&to=de&text=Hello', // your url to microsoft translator 
     success: function(data) { 

<a href="javascript:unhide('a');">Show/Hide Value</a> 
<div id="a">javascript:unhide('a');</div> 

我微軟轉換器鏈接輸出一些文本。我希望它只能在有人點擊顯示/隱藏值鏈接時加載該網址。它只能被加載一次。我的意思是當有人點擊它時,它會被渲染和顯示,當他再次點擊它時,它會被隱藏起來,當他再次點擊它時,它不會再次渲染它,並在第一次點擊它時顯示它。 順便說一句,我有很多div在頁面上,所以每個id都需要是唯一的。





你不會用'javascript:unhide('a')'調用函數。你會使用'onclick =「取消隱藏('a')」'。 – j08691 2012-02-17 19:37:39




<script type="text/javascript"> 
    function toggleDiv(id){ 
     if ($('#' + id).html() == '') { 
       url: 'api.microsofttranslator.com/V2/Ajax.svc/Translate?appId=SOMETHING&from=en&to=de&text=Hello', // your url to microsoft translator 
       success: function(data) { 
        $('#' + id).html(data); 
       error: function() { 
        $('#' + id).html('The resource could not be loaded'); 

     $('#' + id).toggle(); // Toggle div visibility 

<a href="#" onclick="toggleDiv('a')">Show/Hide Value</a> 
<div id="a" style="display:none"></div> 

它也不起作用。當我點擊顯示/隱藏值時,沒有任何反應。 – user1215741 2012-02-17 19:47:31


如果您查看JS控制檯(CTRL + SHIFT + J),它註冊了什麼錯誤? – BenjaminRH 2012-02-17 19:51:29


它說$沒有被定義。第3行 – user1215741 2012-02-17 19:53:22


BAM!這裏有一個完整的工作示例(儘管我正在訪問Twitter API狀態頁面)。評論應該回答你所有的問題。您需要做的就是將錨標記中的鏈接更改爲您想要的鏈接。

<!doctype html> 
     <title>My Rockin' Answer</title> 

     <style type="text/css"> 
       border:1px solid #FF0000; 


     <a href="https://api.twitter.com/1/help/test.json" 
      title="Show/Hide" class="show" id='link'>Show Twitter API Status</a> 

     <!-- Here is the DIV that we're putting the ajax content into --> 
     <!-- Notice that it's hidden above in the CSS --> 
     <div id="contents"></div> 

     <!-- Include jQuery from the jQuery CDN --> 
     <!-- Always put your Javascript at the end of the file because it --> 
     <!-- may prevent some of the other content from loading while it's --> 
     <!-- fetching the javascript from the CDN --> 
     <script src='http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js'></script> 
     <script type='text/javascript'> 

      // This waits until the document is completely done loading 

      // The code inside this function gets 
      // called when the user clicks the link 

       // This prevents the link from going to it's href 
       // If we don't have this, none of the following 
       // javascript will be executed 

       // Check to see if we're displaying the ajax content... 

        // Since we're not showing the ajax content, grab it 
         url  : $(this).attr('href'), // Use the value we have in the href attribute 
         success : function(response){ // Execute the code in here when we successfully get the content back 
          $('#link').removeClass('show').addClass('hide'); // Indicate that we are showing the ajax content 
          $('#link').html('Hide Twitter API Status');  // Change the link's text 
          $('#contents').html(response);     // Append the ajax content into our hidden div 
          $('#contents').show();       // Show the hidden div 

       } else { 
        // We are already showing the ajax content so... 

        // Indicate that we are no longer showing the ajax content 

        // Change the link text 
        $(this).html('Show Twitter API Status');   

        // Hide the ajax content 

我無法得到這個工作史蒂夫。 – user1215741 2012-02-17 20:14:59


你使用什麼瀏覽器?你在Javascript控制檯中遇到什麼錯誤? – Steve 2012-02-17 20:25:55


我將--https://api.twitter.com/1/help/test.json--改爲--http://api.microsofttranslator.com/V2/Ajax。svc/Translate?appId = 9CF5D9435A249BB484EC6DB50FFFB94C6733DEFB&from = en&to = de&text = Hello--當我點擊鏈接並且JS控制檯什麼也沒有顯示時什麼都沒有發生。 – user1215741 2012-02-17 20:34:23