2015-05-29 83 views

我在下面的Excel代碼中收到上述錯誤。此代碼用於重新排列合併單元格的行高度。該代碼直接從微軟的支持網站複製,並且如果僅使用一次就可以正常工作。Excel 2013 VBA:錯誤-2147417848對象'範圍'的方法'選擇'失敗


NewWorksheet.Range(NewWorksheet.Cells(RowCounter, 5), NewWorksheet.Cells(RowCounter, 6)).Select 

錯誤只發生就行了。 ErrorFile_LastRow的值是43.第一個合併的單元格在第18行。第24行有未合併的單元格。我從https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/319832的微軟發現了一個有點相關的文章,並在下面的代碼中添加了oXL引用。基於同一篇文章,我在違規行中添加了NewWorksheet,但沒有任何幫助。


培訓相關的代碼段(宏本身是非常複雜的): -

Dim oXL As Excel.Application 
Dim NewWorkbook As Workbook 
Dim NewWorksheet As Worksheet 
Dim ErrorFile_LastRow As Long 
Dim MergedHeight As Single 
Dim MergedWidth As Single 
Dim PossNewRowHeight As Single 
Dim lngRowCount As Long 
Dim lngColCount As Long 
Dim i As Long 
Dim RowCounter As Long 
Dim ActiveCellWidth As Single 

Set oXL = Excel.Application 

    ' Create a workbook handle for the new workbook 
    Set NewWorkbook = oXL.ActiveWorkbook 
    ' Use the new workbook handle. 
    With NewWorkbook 
     ' Create a new worksheet handle for the new workbook. 
     Set NewWorksheet = .Sheets(1) 
    End With 

    ' Use the new worksheet handle. 
    With NewWorksheet 
     ' Capture the last row of data to process. 
     ErrorFile_LastRow = .Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, SearchOrder:=xlByRows).Row 
     .Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(ErrorFile_LastRow, 6)).Select 
    End With 

    Application.PrintCommunication = True 
    NewWorksheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = Selection.Address 
    ' Adjust the row height to fit the data. 
    For RowCounter = 2 To ErrorFile_LastRow 
     If RowCounter <> ErrorFile_LastRow Then 
      NewWorksheet.Range(NewWorksheet.Cells(RowCounter, 5), NewWorksheet.Cells(RowCounter, 6)).Select 
      NewWorksheet.Range(Cells(RowCounter, 1), Cells(RowCounter, 6)).Select 
     End If 
     If ActiveCell.MergeCells Then 
      With ActiveCell.MergeArea 
       If .WrapText = True Then 
        lngRowCount = .Rows.Count 
        lngColCount = .Columns.Count 
        MergedHeight = Selection.Height 
        For i = 1 To lngColCount 
         MergedWidth = .Cells(1, i).ColumnWidth + 1 + MergedWidth 
        Next i 
        If MergedHeight > 409.5 Then 
         MergedHeight = 409.5 
        End If 
        If MergedWidth > 409.5 Then 
         MergedHeight = 409.5 
        End If 
        ActiveCellWidth = ActiveCell.ColumnWidth 
        .MergeCells = False 
        .Cells(1).RowHeight = MergedHeight 
        .Cells(1).ColumnWidth = MergedWidth 
        PossNewRowHeight = .Cells(1).RowHeight 
        .MergeCells = True 
        .Cells(1).ColumnWidth = ActiveCellWidth 
        For i = 1 To lngRowCount 
         .Cells(i, 1).RowHeight = PossNewRowHeight/lngRowCount 
        Next i 
       End If 
      End With 
     End If 
    Next RowCounter 

我沒有看到該特定行代碼失敗的明顯原因。您得到的錯誤幾乎總是與嘗試從不是「ActiveSheet」的「工作表」中的「選擇」單元格有關。在錯誤行之前添加一行以確認您確實位於正確的表單上:「Debug.Print ActiveSheet.Name = NewWorksheet.Name」。既然這是一個「複雜的宏」,你是否有任何「Worksheet_Change」或「Worksheet_SelectionChange」事件?這些可能會對所有正在進行的選擇造成嚴重破壞。 –





對不起,我錯過了在這裏複製代碼。我將它添加到上面的代碼片段中。 ErrorFile_LastRow的值是43。 – user4954633
