Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim CurrentRowHeight As Single, MergedCellRgWidth As Single
Dim h, rng As Range
Set rng = Selection
If ActiveCell.MergeCells Then
With ActiveCell.MergeArea
If .WrapText = True Then
With rng
h = .Cells(1).RowHeight
With .Cells(1).MergeArea
.Cells(.Cells.Count).RowHeight = (h - .Height + 14.25)
End With
End With
End If
End With
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim CurrentRowHeight As Single, MergedCellRgWidth As Single
If ActiveCell.MergeCells Then
Dim heigtAS, heightAU As Integer
Dim hAS, rngAS As Range
Set rngAS = Range("AS10:AS18")
With rngAS.MergeArea
If .WrapText = True Then
With rngAS
hAS = .Cells(1).RowHeight
With .Cells(1).MergeArea
heightAS = (hAS - .Height + 14.25)
'save height of cell
End With
End With
End If
End With
Dim hAU, rngAU As Range
Set rngAU = Range("AU10:AU18")
With rngAU.MergeArea
If .WrapText = True Then
With rngAU
hAU = .Cells(1).RowHeight
With .Cells(1).MergeArea
heightAU = (hAU - .Height + 14.25)
'save height of cell
End With
End With
End If
End With
'Compare height and fit cell height
If heightAS > heightAU Then
.Cells(.Cells.Count).RowHeight = heightAS
.Cells(.Cells.Count).RowHeight = heightAU
End If
End If
End Sub
對不起......你的例子有什麼問題?它沒有根據內容進行調整嗎? – sam092
這個例子沒有錯,但是如果我在較小的單元格上雙擊,它會調整它的高度,我需要一個解決方案,它不會這樣做,除非它是該行中具有最大高度的單元格。 – MarMarko
似乎沒有安裝在行中的每個單元格,你不會知道哪一個應該是最大的。你必須跑過每一列並跟蹤每一列的高度(或者至少跟蹤最大安裝高度)。如果擬合後續單元格會導致較小的行高,請將其重置爲最大值。 –