我的節點存儲在一個鄰接表中(此刻我不關心邊的權重) 這裏是數據的視覺效果:第一列是向量元素,它的左邊的行是另一個向量。向量元素編號表示相應節點的編號。
0 | (1, 100), (3, 50), (7, 100)
1 | (0, 100), (4, 50), (5, 10)
2 | (3, 1000), (4, 200), (6, 1000)
3 | (0, 50), (2, 1000)
4 | (1, 50), (2, 200), (6, 100)
5 | (1, 10), (6, 50), (7, 2000)
6 | (2, 1000), (4, 100), (5, 50)
7 | (0, 100), (5, 2000)
我想通過我的wikipedia發現的僞代碼來實現BFS,但我沒有得到它。我adjancency列表存儲在一個向量:vector<vector <vertex> > adjList;
是一個結構2 int
vector<vector <vertex> > adjList; // the vector adjacency list
// the start and end vertices are passed into the function
int startV; //num of start node
int endV; //num of destination node
bool visited = false, done = false; //control
vector<int> marked, path; // holds visited and final path
Queue<int> Q; // Q for BFS
Q.push(startV); // enqueue BFS
while (!Q.empty() && !done) {
int t = Q.front(); Q.pop(); // mark and pop(back)
marked.push_back(t); // push back start node onto marked
if (t == endV) // if t is our destination
done = true; // done, get out of here
size_t adjE = adjList[t].size(); // degree of this node
for (int i = 0; i < adjE; i++) {
int u = adjList[t][i].node; // visit each adjacent node
for (int j = 0; j < marked.size(); j++) {
if (marked[j] == u) // test if node has been marked
visited = true;
// check if this node has
if (!visited) { // already been visited
marked.push_back(u); // if not enqueue
更新: 我通過使用多重映射的方法解決了這個。詳細的解釋在這裏:Traverse MultiMap to Find Path from a Given Value to a Given Key
您不要將'visited'返回到'false'。 – didierc 2013-03-08 01:28:28