2015-12-09 39 views


struct A { 
    template <typename charT> 
    std::basic_ostream<charT> & 
    dump(std::basic_ostream<charT> &o) const { 
     return (o << x); 
    int x = 5; 


template<typename charT, typename T> 
std::basic_ostream<charT> & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream<charT> &o, const T &t) { 
    return t.dump(o); 



你爲什麼不只是超載''<<代替自卸這些方法?實現起來更直觀,更簡單。 – erip


爲什麼不簡單地在'A'裏面重載'operator <<'? – luk32


@ luk32'operator <<'不能是成員函數,可以嗎?所以'dump'成員函數更方便,因爲它們可以直接訪問數據成員(不需要使用點運算符)。 – AlwaysLearning


template <typename T, typename charT> 
auto operator<< (std::basic_ostream<charT> & str, const T & t) -> decltype(t.dump(str)) 
        std::basic_ostream<charT> &>::value, 
        ".dump(ostream&) does not return ostream& !"); 

    return t.dump(str); 




在C++ 14中,你可以放棄追蹤返回類型:) – OMGtechy


@OMGtechy你可以,屆時sfinae將無法工作。 – ForEveR


@ForEveR從來不知道 - 謝謝! – OMGtechy



struct HasDump {}; 


struct A : HasDump (... 




這是OP問題的一個很好的答案,但我仍然認爲OP太複雜了一個非常簡單的問題。 – erip



struct A { 
    int x = 5; 

    friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const A& a){ 
     return (os << a.x); 

原因:'friend' functions and << operator overloading: What is the proper way to overload an operator for a class?

如果你真的想有一個專用轉儲方法,您可以定義一個基類「收集」 dumpable對象。


'dump'成員函數更方便,因爲它們可以直接訪問數據成員(不需要使用點運算符)。 – AlwaysLearning


有爭議的美學。你保存'a.',但是你引入了一個冗餘方法,並且你用重載的'operator <<'重載了全局名字空間。此方法在'A'的定義中包含重載運算符,編譯器仍然會查找並匹配它。 – luk32


在任何情況下,您都不要將任何事物混淆在全局名稱空間中。您可以在與類相同的命名空間中定義運算符<<,並通過ADL找到它。 –



#include <iostream> 
#include <type_traits> 

namespace tests { 

    // this is a utility class to help us figure out whether a class 
    // has a member function called dump that takes a reference to 
    // an ostream 
    struct has_dump 
     // We will only be checking the TYPE of the returned 
     // value of these functions, so there is no need (in fact we 
     // *must not*) to provide a definition 
     template<class T, class Char> 
     static auto test(const T* t, std::basic_ostream<Char>& os) 
     -> decltype(t->dump(os), std::true_type()); 

     // the comma operator in decltype works in the same way as the 
     // comma operator everywhere else. It simply evaluates each 
     // expression and returns the result of the last one 
     // so if t->dump(os) is valid, the expression is equivalent to 
     // decltype(std::true_type()) which is the type yielded by default- 
     // constructing a true_type... which is true_type! 

     // The above decltype will fail to compile if t->dump(os) is not 
     // a valid expression. In this case, the compiler will fall back 
     // to selecting this next function. this is because the overload 
     // that takes a const T* is *more specific* than the one that 
     // takes (...) [any arguments] so the compiler will prefer it 
     // if it's well formed. 

     // this one could be written like this: 
     // template<class T, class Char> 
     // static std::false_type test(...); 
     // I just happen to use the same syntax as the first one to 
     // show that they are related. 

     template<class T, class Char> 
     static auto test(...) -> decltype(std::false_type()); 

    // ditto for T::print(ostream&) const  
    struct has_print 
     template<class T, class Char> 
     static auto test(const T* t, std::basic_ostream<Char>& os) 
     -> decltype(t->print(os), std::true_type()); 

     template<class T, class Char> 
     static auto test(...) -> decltype(std::false_type()); 

// constexpr means it's evaluated at compile time. This means we can 
// use the result in a template expansion. 
// depending on whether the expression t->dump(os) is well formed or not 
// (see above) it will either return a std::true_type::value (true!) 
// or a std::false_type::value (false!) 

template<class T, class Char> 
static constexpr bool has_dump() { 
    // the reinterpret cast stuff is so we can pass a reference without 
    // actually constructing an object. remember we're being evaluated 
    // during compile time, so we can't go creating ostream objects here - 
    // they don't have constexpr constructors. 
    return decltype(tests::has_dump::test<T, Char>(nullptr, 

template<class T, class Char> 
static constexpr bool has_print() { 
    return decltype(tests::has_print::test<T, Char>(nullptr, 

// so now we can use our constexpr functions has_dump<> and has_print<> 
// in a template expansion, because they are known at compile time. 
// std::enable_if_t will ensure that the template function is only 
// well formed if our condition is true, so we avoid duplicate 
// definitions. 
// the use of the alternative operator representations make this 
// a little more readable IMHO: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/operator_alternative 

template<class T, class Char> 
auto operator<< (std::basic_ostream<Char>& os, const T& t) 
-> std::enable_if_t< has_dump<T, Char>() and not has_print<T, Char>(), std::basic_ostream<Char>&> 
    return os; 

template<class T, class Char> 
auto operator<< (std::basic_ostream<Char>& os, const T& t) 
-> std::enable_if_t< has_print<T, Char>() and not has_dump<T, Char>(), std::basic_ostream<Char>&> 
    return os; 

template<class T, class Char> 
auto operator<< (std::basic_ostream<Char>& os, const T& t) 
-> std::enable_if_t< has_print<T, Char>() and has_dump<T, Char>(), std::basic_ostream<Char>&> 
    // because of the above test, this function is only compiled 
    // if T has both dump(ostream&) and print(ostream&) defined. 

    os << ":"; 
    return os; 

struct base 
    template<class Char> 
    void dump(std::basic_ostream<Char>& os) const 
     os << x; 

    int x = 5; 
namespace animals 
    class donkey : public base 

     template<class Char> 
     void dump(std::basic_ostream<Char>& s) const { 
      s << "donkey: "; 

    class horse // not dumpable, but is printable 
     template<class Char> 
     void print(std::basic_ostream<Char>& s) const { 
      s << "horse"; 

    // this class provides both dump() and print()   
    class banana : public base 

     void dump(std::ostream& os) const { 
      os << "banana!?!"; 

     void print(std::ostream& os) const { 
      os << ":printed"; 


auto main() -> int 
    using namespace std; 

    animals::donkey d; 
    animals::horse h; 

    cout << d << ", " << h << ", " << animals::banana() << endl; 

    return 0; 


donkey: 5, horse, banana!?!5::printed 

請問您可以在此代碼中添加一些註釋,以解釋在'decltype'中用逗號分隔的兩種類型以及所有其他高科技? – AlwaysLearning


當然,很高興。 –


@完成學習完成。享受車程 :-) –