2017-04-01 36 views


5  today 
2  It's 
1  " 
4  sunny 
3  a 
6  " 


String fileName = "theFile.txt"; 

    public int getNumberOnly() { 
     int lineNumber; 

     //code to only get the lineNumber but NOT the words 
     //This is as far as I got and I need help on this part 

     return lineNumber; 

    public String getWordsOnly() { 
     String words; 

     //code to only get the words but NOT the lineNumber 
     //This is as far as I got and I need help on this part 

     return words; 

    public void readAndPrintWholeFile(String fileName){ 

      String fileContents = new String(); 
      File file = new File("theFile.txt"); 
      Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(fileName)); 
      DLL<T> list = new DLL<T>(); 

     //Print each lineNumber and corresponding words for example 
     // 5 Today 
     // 2 It's 

     while (scanner.hasNextLine()) 
       fileContents = scanner.nextLine(); 
       System.out.println(list.getNumbersOnly() + " " + list.getWordOnly()); 
       //prints the lineNumber then space then the word 

    //I already have all DLL accessors and mutators such as get & set next/previous nodes here, etc. 




把這個分爲兩種方法有什麼意義?這是作業嗎? –


這是一個練習 - 我在這裏問,因爲我已經用盡了所有我知道的。 – 5120bee


是通過空間均勻的所有行分隔的數字和文字? –


public static void readAndPrintWholeFile(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException { 
    String fileContents; 
    File file = new File(filename); 
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(file)); 
    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); 

    while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { 
     try { 
      fileContents = scanner.nextLine(); 
      String[] as = fileContents.split(" +"); 
      map.put(as[0], as[1]); 
      System.out.println(as[0] + " " + as[1]); 
     } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { 
      //If some problam with File formate e.g. number without word 

你可以用很多方式做到這一點,其中一個是聽到的。 赫拉我沒有實現getNumberOnly()getWordsOnly()方法和我D'噸有DLL實現,以便把數據mapHashMap)。



public int getNumberOnly(String fileContents) { 
    int lineNumber; 
    //Get position of space 
    int spacePos = fileContents.indexOf(" "); 
    //Get substring from start till first space is encountered. Also trim off any leading or trailing spaces. Convert string to int via parseInt 
    lineNumber = parseInt(fileContents.subString(0,spacePos).trim()); 
    return lineNumber; 

public String getWordsOnly(String fileContents) { 
    String words; 
    int spacePos = fileContents.indexOf(" "); 
    //Get substring from first space till the end 
    words = fileContents.subString(spacePos).trim(); 
    return words; 