%% Use function to read in
data = read_mixed_csv(filename,'"'); % Creates cell array of data
data = regexprep(data, '^"|"$',''); % Gets rid of double quotes at the start and end of the string
data = data(:,2:2:41); % Keep only the even cells because the odd ones are just commas
%% Sort data based on date (Column 1)
[Y,I] = sort(data(:,1)); % Create 1st column sorted
site_sorted = data(I,:); % Sort the entire array
%% Find unique value in the site data (Column 2)
% Format of site code is state-county-site
u_id = unique(site_sorted(:,2)); % get unique id
for i = 1:length(u_id)
idx=ismember(site_sorted(:,2),u_id{i}); % extract index where the second column matches the current id value
site_data = site_sorted(idx,:);
save([u_id{i} '.mat'],'site_data');
cdfwrite([u_id{i} '.nc'], 'site_data');
一切正常,直到倒數第二行。我想將每個'site_data'寫成一個netcdf文件,其名稱與save([u_id{i} '.mat'],'site_data');
您在第二個'site_data'上缺少下劃線。但MATLAB理解。謝謝您的幫助。 – shizishan
其實,很抱歉,雖然創建了一個netcdf文件,但它是混亂的混亂。我在想也許是因爲變量是一個單元格?你知道如何解決這個問題嗎?另外,如何讓變量存儲在.mat文件u_id {i}中,而不是僅爲每個人使用site_data? – shizishan
我會檢查一下並回復給你。 –