2017-08-12 201 views







<div class="container"> 
     <a href="http://www.courdec.co.uk"><img src="images/courdec-logo.png"></a> 
     <div class="telephone"> 
      <img src="images/telephone-number.png" /> 
      <h2><a href="index.php">Home</a></h2> 
      <h2><a href="services.php">Services</a></h2> 
      <h2><a href="gallery.php">Gallery</a></h2> 
      <h2><a href="contact.php">Contact</a></h2> 
     <img id="services-image" src="images/image5501.jpg" /> 
     <div class="service-content"> 
      <p>Courdec provides a range of commercial and residential painting and decorating services.</p> 
      <p>Projects ranging from large commercial premises to New Build.</p> 
      <table id="service-table"> 
        <th>Resin Floors</th> 
        <th>Intumescent Coatings</th> 
        <th>Hygiene Coatings</th> 
        <td>Retail, industrial and commercial projects</td> 
        <td>Protecting Wood and Steel from fire</td> 
        <td>Hospitals, Schools and food preparation areas</td> 
        <th>Spray Application</th> 
        <th>Wall coverings</th> 
        <th>Floor Markings</th> 
        <td>Covering large areas with a wide range of coatings</td> 
        <td>Vinyls, fabrics, silks and hand-printed papers</td> 
        <td>Directional systems, bays and walkways in car parks</td> 
      <p>Our teams of professional painters and decorators work on all kinds of projects for a wide variety of commercial and private clients.</p> 
      <p>Efficient, organised and reliable, we meet all the Health & Safety requirements. We also like to protect the environment, using eco friendly paints.</p> 
     <div>&copy; <?php echo date('Y'); ?> Courdec UK Ltd.</div> 


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