2016-06-07 112 views

我試過了,我真的試過了!我有兩張「拖欠」和「趨勢」。下面是一個用於保存單詞的圖像: Intended tablesExcel VBA匹配還是查找?






下面是我最近使用過的類似代碼的一個小片段 不是你的問題最優化的代碼,但它應該可以幫助你「看」解決方案。

Dim rngStr As String 'range declaration 
Dim currentRowIndex As Integer 'used to store the rowindex of certain searchvalues 
Dim searchStr As String 'word to search 
Dim ws As Worksheet 

'Set searchcolumn = A 
rngStr = "A:A" 
searchstring = "Cellvalue of cell in loop" 
currentRowIndex = SearchInRange(ws, rngStr, searchStr) 

If currentRowIndex <> 0 Then 
    'searchstr was found 
    Worksheets("TrendsSheet").Cells(rowIndex, ColIndex).value = Worksheets("ArrearsSheet").Cells(currentRowIndex, ColIndexOfValueYouWant).value 
End If 

Private Function SearchInRange(ws As Worksheet, rng As String, searchstring As String) As Integer 
    'return the rowindex of the first found value in a specific range 
    With ws.Range(rng) 
     Set c = .Find(searchstring, LookIn:=xlValues) 
     If Not c Is Nothing Then 
      SearchInRange = c 'searchstring found 
      SearchInRange = 0 'searchString not found 
     End If 
    End With 
End Function 


Sub Transfer() 
Dim Wks1 As Excel.Worksheet 
Dim Wks2 As Excel.Worksheet 
Dim copyCell As Long 
Dim pasteCell As Long 
Dim RowMatched As Long 
Dim SearchItem As Double 
Dim NumberOfEntries As Long 
Dim RowMoved As Boolean 
Set Wks1 = Worksheets("Sheet1") '<== One worksheet 
Set Wks2 = Worksheets("Sheet2") '<== Another worksheet 
NumberOfEntries = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Wks2.Range("A:A")) '<=== Finds the number of entries 
RowMoved = False '<===== Checks if row has been inserted 
For x = 2 To NumberOfEntries '<==== For all your entries 
SearchItem = Wks2.Cells(x, 1) '<=== What it is looking for 
On Error Resume Next 
    RowMatched = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(SearchItem, Wks1.Range("A:A"), 0) '<== Match Items 
On Error GoTo 0 
If RowMatched <> 0 Then '<=== If found 
    If RowMoved = False Then '<== If no column has been added yet 
     Wks2.Range("E:E").EntireColumn.Insert '<=== Add new row in column E 
    End If 
    RowMoved = True '<=== Set row moved to true to indicate inserted column 
    Wks2.Cells(x, 5) = Wks1.Cells(RowMatched, 5) '<==== Copy Cell values 
End If 
Next x 

End Sub 



絕對精湛的GBSingh ...謝謝你!我稍微調整了一下,以便不用輸入一個完整的列,而是將每個匹配的單元格向右滑動,並輸入新的拖欠數字。這是需要的,因爲我將嘗試先寫下自己的下一個階段。乾杯! –


不用擔心。我很高興我能提供幫助。如果這有幫助,你可以將答案標記爲已解決,以便它可以幫助其他人,然後他們知道它的作用:) – GBSingh