我最近開始與R一起工作,所以這個問題可能有一個簡單的解決方案。 我有一些.tif衛星圖像來自不同的場景。我可以用它創建一個測試柵格磚,但由於文件數量巨大,需要自動完成該過程。因此,我一直在嘗試創建一個函數來讀取.tif文件列表並輸出一個柵格列表。 您可以在這裏找到下面的代碼,我一直在使用:R將光柵功能應用於字符列表
# Description: Prepare a raster brick with ordered acquisitions
# from all the scenes of the study area
rm(list = ls())
# If you want to download the .tif files of the 2 scenes from dropbox:
dl_from_dropbox <- function(x, key) {
bin <- getBinaryURL(paste0("https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/", key, "/", x),
ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
con <- file(x, open = "wb")
writeBin(bin, con)
message(noquote(paste(x, "read into", getwd())))
dl_from_dropbox("lndsr.LT52210611985245CUB00-vi.NDVI.tif", "qb1bap9rghwivwy")
dl_from_dropbox("lndsr.LT52210611985309CUB00-vi.NDVI.tif", "sbhcffotirwnnc6")
dl_from_dropbox("lndsr.LT52210611987283CUB00-vi.NDVI.tif", "2zrkoo00ngigfzm")
dl_from_dropbox("lndsr.LT42240631992198XXX02-vi.NDVI.tif", "gx0ctxn2mca3u5v")
dl_from_dropbox("lndsr.LT42240631992214XXX02-vi.NDVI.tif", "pqnjw2dpz9beeo5")
dl_from_dropbox("lndsr.LT52240631986157CUB02-vi.NDVI.tif", "rrka10yaktv8la8")
# 1- Create a list of .tif files with names ordered chronologically (for time series analysis later on)
pathdir= # change
# List all the images from any scene in that folder and
# make a dataframe with a column for the date
a <- list.files(path=pathdir,pattern="lndsr.LT", all.files=FALSE,full.names=FALSE)
a1 <- as.data.frame(a, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) # class(a1$a) # character
# Create date column with julean date and order it in ascending order
a1$date <- substr(a1$a, 16, 22) # class(a1$date) = character
a1 <- a1[order(a1$date),]
# Keep only the column with the name of the scene
a1 <- subset(a1, select=1) # class(a1$a): character
# retrieve an ordered list from the dataframe
ord_dates <- as.list(as.data.frame(t(a1$a))) # length(ord_dates): 4 (correct)
# class(odd_dates) # list
# 2- Create rasters from elements of a list
for (i in 1:(length(ord_dates))){
# Point to each individual .tif file
tif_file <- ord_dates[i] # Problem: accesses only the first item of ord_dates
# Make a raster out of it
r <- raster(tif_file) # we cant use here a list as an input. Gives error:
# Error in .local(x, ...) : list has no "x"
# Give it a standardised name (r1,r2,r3, etc)
name <- paste("r", 1:length(ord_dates),sep = "")
# Write the raster to file
writeRaster (r , filename = name,format = "GTiff", overwrite =T)
r = lapply(ord_dates, raster)
任何幫助真的很感激! 在此先感謝
謝謝你的幫助羅馬! 我試過了,使用lapply()時出現了一個熟悉的錯誤。它返回: (函數(類,fdef,mtable)中的錯誤: 無法找到函數'raster'的簽名''factor''的繼承方法 我不明白簽名因子的創建位置,因爲我想早些時候通過確保列表是類字符,而不是因子來修復它。 – user3127517
您的列表元素可能是因素。在任何情況下,在行的前面插入一個「browser()」(或在一個函數的開始),然後運行你的代碼,你應該探索函數的環境,手動執行代碼並以這種方式追蹤你的bug。 –